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6.Find what makes you feel confident -- physically.

I recently worked with a woman who said that she literally gets a physical feeling when she feels confident. (I agree; confidence is not just in the mind.) I asked her to pay attention to what she is doing when she feels that feeling, and do more of that. One thing she came up with was listening to a specific song in the car. When she listens to it she feels awesome. Simple.

7.Be mindful of your body language.

This takes a level of self-awareness and presence. As I took dance classes throughout my childhood, I frequently heard the teacher announce, "Heads up and shoulders back! Stand up straight and tall!" Give it a shot. Walk and move with purpose. It makes a world of difference rather than walking slouched with our heads down, which makes us feel low and sends out a negative impression to the people around you. Watch for folded arms and slouched posture, and for fidgeting with your hands. Smile and make eye contact.

8.Practice assertiveness.

When you address your own needs, miracles happen. So ask for what you want. I dare you.

9.Think confidently.

Placing your focus on the worst possible outcome can cause you unnecessary anxiety, and stop you taking action. Use your energy to acknowledge that there are an endless number of outcomes. What you focus on expands. See the results you want and they are likely to happen.

10. Forgive yourself when you're beating yourself up, and remember that you can begin anew any day. Your past does not predict your future.

Implementing some of these items can help you overcome the limitations that a lack of confidence imposes on you, and guide you as you find the power within to start changing your world. Feeling more confident is one part of living a happier, more fulfilling life.

What have you found to be helpful when it comes to feeling awesome?