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马云再次风靡全球 世界最大公司的掌舵人

It turns out he was right.

“The business model Ma Yun created in China suited the Chinese market,” said Feng Pengcheng, director of the China Research Center for Capital Management at the University of International Business and Economics.

“Ma seized opportunities as China was transforming into a market economy with the middle class unleashing buying power online on a significant scale.”

Success in communication

Many are surprised to see how good Ma’s command of English was in his IPO roadshow video and interview with Bloomberg after the listing (both video clips went viral online). He was always an English ethusiast. Starting at age 12, Ma says he awoke at 5 am to walk or bicycle to Hangzhou’s main hotel so he could practice his English with foreign tourists. He did this for nine years and acted as a free tour guide to many, befriending several groups along the way.

“He is the opposite of stuffy and canned. He’s a funny, creative and a compelling speaker. I often thought he could have another career in stand-up comedy,” Said Duncan Clark, a Beijing-based technology consultant.

Responding to rumors that Ma planned to move to Hong Kong next year on an investment immigration scheme, according to comment from The Guardian, “his speech was both patriotic and diplomatic, colloquial yet clearly well-planned. He explained that he had no plans to emigrate.”

Describing his ideas to press in the US and UK, according to BBC, Ma often uses a dizzying array of visual symbols, such fish in a pond and gold bars falling from the sky.

Sanjay Varma, a former Alibaba vice-president who now works in Hong Kong, still remembers how Ma could be such a convincing speaker when talking about his ambitions. He had long, late-night conversations with Ma about his ambitions in 1999, soon after the company was founded.

“He really wanted to empower the little guys, the small companies,” said Varma.

To use the wording of the BBC, it is a “rags-to-riches” story both for Ma and the millions who depended on the eco-system he forged in the digital age of Alibaba.