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少坐多运动 一定会更长寿吗

And when the scientists compared telomeres, they found that the telomeres in the volunteers who were sitting the least had lengthened. Their cells seemed to be growing physiologically younger.

Meanwhile, in the control group telomeres generally were shorter than they had been six months before.

But perhaps most interesting, there was little correlation between exercise and telomere length. In fact, the volunteers in the exercise group who had worked out the most during the past six months tended now to have slightly less lengthening and even some shortening, compared to those who had exercised less but stood up more.

Reducing sedentary time had lengthened telomeres, the scientists concluded, while exercising had played little role.

Exactly what the volunteers did in lieu of sitting is impossible to say with precision, said Per Sjögren, a professor of public health at Uppsala University in Sweden, who led the study, because the researchers did not track their volunteers’ movement patterns with monitors. But “it’s most likely,” he said, that “sitting time was predominantly replaced with low-intensity activities,” and in particular with time spent standing up.
这项研究的领导者、瑞典乌普萨拉大学的公共健康教授佩尔·肖格伦(Per Sjögren)说,志愿者们用什么活动来代替静坐无从准确得知,因为研究者们没用监测器追踪志愿者们的活动模式。但是他说,“最可能的情况是,静坐时间主要是被低强度的活动代替”,尤其是站立。

Which makes the second new study of sedentary behavior particularly relevant. Standing is not, after all, physically demanding for most people, and some scientists have questioned whether merely standing up — without also moving about and walking — is sufficiently healthy or if standing merely replaces one type of sedentariness with another.

If so, standing could be expected to increase health problems and premature death, as sitting has been shown to do.

To find out whether that situation held true, Peter Katzmarzyk, a professor of public health at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., and an expert on sedentary behavior, turned to a large database of self-reported information about physical activity among Canadian adults. He noted the amount of time that the men and women had reported standing on most days over the course of a decade or more and crosschecked that data with death records, to see whether people who stood more died younger.
为了弄清那种情况是否属实,路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日彭宁顿生物医学研究中心的公共健康教授、静坐行为研究专家彼得·卡兹马兹克(Peter Katzmarzyk)开始研究一个巨大的数据库,里面是加拿大成年人自我陈述的身体活动信息。他记下那些人在十年或更长时间内大部分日子里站立的时间,与死亡档案里的数据交叉检查,看看那些站得更多的人是否死得更早。

The results, published in May in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, are soothing if predictable. Dr. Katzmarzyk found no link between standing and premature death. Rather, as he writes in the study, “mortality rates declined at higher levels of standing,” suggesting that standing is not sedentary or hazardous, a conclusion with which our telomeres would likely concur.
今年5月,他的研究结果在《运动锻炼医学科学》(Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise)上发表。结果不出意料,令人安慰。卡兹马兹克发现站立和早逝之间没有关系。相反,他在研究报告中写道,“站立时间越长,死亡率越低”,称站立不同于久坐,没有危害——我们的端粒很可能会赞同这一结论。