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Not long after moving to the University of Southampton, Constantine Sedikides had lunch with a colleague in the psychology department and described some unusual symptoms he'd been feeling. A few times a week, he was suddenly hit with nostalgia for his previous home at the University of North Carolina: memories of old friends, Tar Heel basketball games, fried okra, the sweet smells of autumn in Chapel Hill.
搬到英国南安普顿大学之后(University of Southampton)不久的一天,康斯坦丁·斯蒂基特(Constantine Sedikides)和一个心理学系的同事共进午餐,讨论他最近一些不同寻常的感觉:每周里总有那么些时间,他会突然被怀旧之情所击中,想念他之前在美国北卡罗来纳州立大学(University of North Carolina)的家、老朋友、大学著名的Tar Heel篮球队的比赛、炸秋葵,还有教堂山城中秋天甜美的气息。

His colleague, a clinical psychologist, made an immediate diagnosis. He must be depressed. Why else live in the past? Nostalgia had been considered a disorder ever since the term was coined by a 17th-century Swiss physician who attributed soldiers' mental and physical maladies to their longing to return home — nostos in Greek, and the accompanying pain, algos.

But Dr. Sedikides didn't want to return to any home — not to Chapel Hill, not to his native Greece — and he insisted to his lunch companion that he wasn't in pain.


"I told him I did live my life forward, but sometimes I couldn't help thinking about the past, and it was rewarding," he says. "Nostalgia made me feel that my life had roots and continuity. It made me feel good about myself and my relationships. It provided a texture to my life and gave me strength to move forward."

The colleague remained skeptical, but ultimately Dr. Sedikides prevailed. That lunch in 1999 inspired him to pioneer a field that today includes dozens of researchers around the world using tools developed at his social-psychology laboratory, including a questionnaire called the Southampton Nostalgia Scale. After a decade of study, nostalgia isn't what it used to be — it's looking a lot better.

Nostalgia has been shown to counteract loneliness, boredom and anxiety. It makes people more generous to strangers and more tolerant of outsiders. Couples feel closer and look happier when they're sharing nostalgic memories. On cold days, or in cold rooms, people use nostalgia to literally feel warmer.

Nostalgia does have its painful side — it's a bittersweet emotion — but the net effect is to make life seem more meaningful and death less frightening. When people speak wistfully of the past, they typically become more optimistic and inspired about the future.

"Nostalgia makes us a bit more human," Dr. Sedikides says. He considers the first great nostalgist to be Odysseus, an itinerant who used memories of his family and home to get through hard times, but Dr. Sedikides emphasizes that nostalgia is not the same as homesickness. It's not just for those away from home, and it's not a sickness, despite its historical reputation.

Nostalgia was originally described as a "neurological disease of essentially demonic cause" by Johannes Hoffer, the Swiss doctor who coined the term in 1688. Military physicians speculated that its prevalence among Swiss mercenaries abroad was due to earlier damage to the soldiers' ear drums and brain cells by the unremitting clanging of cowbells in the Alps.
约翰森·贺佛尔(Johannes Hoffer),那个最初在1688年发明“怀旧”单词的瑞士医生,将它定义为“可导致器质恶性疾病的神经系统疾病”。军队医生们猜测,派驻外国的瑞士雇佣兵中无比流行的怀旧病,是因为他们的耳膜与脑细胞有过早期损伤。受伤的来源则是阿尔卑斯山上永不停息的声声牛铃叮当。

A Universal Feeling

In the 19th and 20th centuries nostalgia was variously classified as an "immigrant psychosis," a form of "melancholia" and a "mentally repressive compulsive disorder" among other pathologies. But when Dr. Sedikides, Tim Wildschut and other psychologists at Southampton began studying nostalgia, they found it to be common around the world, including in children as young as 7 (who look back fondly on birthdays and vacations).
19到20世纪时,怀旧曾被归于“移民精神疾病”、“抑郁症中的一种”、”脑部压抑强迫症”等各种疾病里。但当南安普顿大学的斯蒂基特博士、提姆·维尔德舒特(Tim Wildschut)与其他心理学家开始研究怀旧后,他们发现这在世界范围内是一个很正常的现象,甚至年幼如7岁的孩子们,就已经有怀旧现象(他们会愉快地怀念生日与假期)。

"The defining features of nostalgia in England are also the defining features in Africa and South America," Dr. Wildschut says. The topics are universal — reminiscences about friends and family members, holidays, weddings, songs, sunsets, lakes. The stories tend to feature the self as the protagonist surrounded by close friends.

Most people report experiencing nostalgia at least once a week, and nearly half experience it three or four times a week. These reported bouts are often touched off by negative events and feelings of loneliness, but people say the "nostalgizing" — researchers distinguish it from reminiscing — helps them feel better.

To test these effects in the laboratory, researchers at Southampton induced negative moods by having people read about a deadly disaster and take a personality test that supposedly revealed them to be exceptionally lonely. Sure enough, the people depressed about the disaster victims or worried about being lonely became more likely to wax nostalgic. And the strategy worked: They subsequently felt less depressed and less lonely.

Nostalgic stories aren't simple exercises in cheeriness, though. The memories aren't all happy, and even the joys are mixed with a wistful sense of loss. But on the whole, the positive elements greatly outnumber the negative elements, as the Southampton researchers found by methodically analyzing stories collected in the laboratory as well as in a magazine named Nostalgia.

"Nostalgic stories often start badly, with some kind of problem, but then they tend to end well, thanks to help from someone close to you," Dr. Sedikides says. "So you end up with a stronger feeling of belonging and affiliation, and you become more generous toward others."

A quick way to induce nostalgia is through music, which has become a favorite tool of researchers. In an experiment in the Netherlands, Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets of Tilburg University and colleagues found that listening to songs made people feel not only nostalgic but also warmer physically.
音乐可以很快引发怀旧,于是它成为研究者们最喜欢的工具。在荷兰蒂尔堡大学(Tilburg University)的一个实验里,研究者文格霍特(Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets)与其同事发现,听音乐不仅可以让人怀旧,还能感觉到身体更温暖。

That warm glow was investigated in southern China by Xinyue Zhou of Sun Yat-Sen University. By tracking students over the course of a month, she and colleagues found that feelings of nostalgia were more common on cold days. The researchers also found that people in a cool room (68 degrees Fahrenheit) were more likely to nostalgize than people in warmer rooms.

Not everyone in the cool room turned nostalgic during the experiment, but the ones who did reported feeling warmer. That mind-body link, Dr. Wildschut says, means that nostalgia might have had evolutionary value to our ancestors long before Odysseus.

"If you can recruit a memory to maintain physiological comfort, at least subjectively, that could be an amazing and complex adaptation," he says. "It could contribute to survival by making you look for food and shelter that much longer."