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Finding a Sweet Spot

Of course, memories can also be depressing. Some researchers in the 1970s and '80s suggested that nostalgia could worsen a problem that psychologists call self-discontinuity, which is nicely defined in "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes," by Stephen Stills: "Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now." This sense of loss and dislocation has repeatedly been linked to both physical and mental ills.
当然,回忆也可能让人绝望。20世纪七八十年代的研究者们认为,怀旧可以恶化“自我中断”(self-discontinuity)这种疾病。史蒂芬·史提斯(Stephen Stills,美国歌手——译注)在《组曲:朱迪蓝色的眼睛》(Suite: Judy Blue Eyes)中准确地描述了这个问题:“不要让过去来提醒我们现在已不再如此。”这种怅然所失与情绪错位经常与身体或脑部疾病相联系。

But the feeling of discontinuity doesn't seem to be a typical result of nostalgia, according to recent studies. In fact, people tend to have a healthier sense of self-continuity if they nostalgize more frequently, as measured on the scale developed at Southampton. To understand why these memories seem reassuring, Clay Routledge of North Dakota State University and other psychologists conducted a series of experiments with English, Dutch and American adults.
但根据新近研究结果,这种自我中断的感觉并不一定是怀旧体验的结果。事实上,根据南安普顿怀旧量表问卷,如果人们增加怀旧频率,他们会倾向于拥有一种更健康的自我中断情绪。为了了解记忆令人欣慰的原因,北达科他州州立大学(North Dakota State University)的克雷·罗德里奇(Clay Routledge)与其他心理学家在英国、荷兰与美国成人中进行了一系列实验。

First, the experimenters induced nostalgia by playing hit songs from the past for some people and letting them read lyrics to their favorite songs. Afterward, these people were more likely than a control group to say that they felt "loved" and that "life is worth living."

Then the researchers tested the effect in the other direction by trying to induce existential angst. They subjected some people to an essay by a supposed Oxford philosopher who wrote that life is meaningless because any single person's contribution to the world is "paltry, pathetic and pointless." Readers of the essay became more likely to nostalgize, presumably to ward off Sartrean despair.

Moreover, when some people were induced to nostalgia before reading the bleak essay, they were less likely to be convinced by it. The brief stroll down memory lane apparently made life seem worthwhile, at least to the English students in that experiment. (Whether it would work with gloomy French intellectuals remains to be determined.)

"Nostalgia serves a crucial existential function," Dr. Routledge says. "It brings to mind cherished experiences that assure us we are valued people who have meaningful lives. Some of our research shows that people who regularly engage in nostalgia are better at coping with concerns about death."

Feeding the Memory Bank

The usefulness of nostalgia seems to vary with age, according to Erica Hepper, a psychologist at the University of Surrey in England. She and her colleagues have found that nostalgia levels tend to be high among young adults, then dip in middle age and rise again during old age.
怀旧的效果似乎取决于年龄。这是英国萨里大学(University of Surrey)心理学家爱丽克·何派(Erica Hepper)的研究结果。她和同事发现,年轻人的怀旧程度相对较高,中年人程度偏低,而老年人则又重新回到较高的怀旧程度中。

"Nostalgia helps us deal with transitions," Dr. Hepper says. "The young adults are just moving away from home and or starting their first jobs, so they fall back on memories of family Christmases, pets and friends in school."

Dr. Sedikides, now 54, still enjoys nostalgizing about Chapel Hill, although his range has expanded greatly over the past decade. He says that the years of research have inspired strategies for increasing nostalgia in his own life. One is to create more moments that will be memorable.

"I don't miss an opportunity to build nostalgic-to-be memories," he says. "We call this anticipatory nostalgia and have even started a line of relevant research."

Another strategy is to draw on his "nostalgic repository" when he needs a psychological lift or some extra motivation. At such moments, he tries to focus on the memories and savor them without comparing them with anything else.

"Many other people," he explains, "have defined nostalgia as comparing the past with the present and saying, implicitly, that the past was better — ‘Those were the days.' But that may not be the best way for most people to nostalgize. The comparison will not benefit, say, the elderly in a nursing home who don't see their future as bright. But if they focus on the past in an existential way — ‘What has my life meant?' — then they can potentially benefit."

This comparison-free nostalgizing is being taught to first-year college students as part of a study testing its value for people in difficult situations. Other experiments are using the same technique in people in nursing homes, women recovering from cancer surgery, and prison inmates.

Is there anyone who shouldn't be indulging in nostalgia? People who are leery of intimate relationships — "avoidant," in psychological jargon — seem to reap relatively small benefits from nostalgia compared with people who crave closeness. And there are undoubtedly neurotics who overdo it. But for most others, Dr. Sedikides recommends regular exercises.

"If you're not neurotic or avoidant, I think you'll benefit by nostalgizing two or maybe three times a week," he says. "Experience it as a prized possession. When Humphrey Bogart says, ‘We'll always have Paris,' that's nostalgia for you. We have it, and nobody can take it away from us. It's our diamond."
如果你没有神经机能病,也没有回避型人格,我觉得如果你一周怀旧两到三次,会对你有帮助。”他说:“将怀旧的体验作为一种珍贵的经历,亨弗莱·鲍嘉(Humphrey Bogart)说:‘我们会永远拥有巴黎'(电影《卡萨布兰卡》的经典台词——译注)时,怀旧便是我们的‘巴黎'。我们拥有这些记忆,没有人能将它们夺去。这是我们的无价之宝。”