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A while ago, when I was making a programme called Pleasure And Pain, we did a survey where we asked people which of the sexes they thought was better at tolerating pain — 81 per cent of women said ‘women’, while a mere 11 per cent thought men were the tougher breed.

Although men were more inclined to give themselves the benefit of the doubt, the majority, 54 per cent, still agreed ‘women’ were more stoical. But is this right?

One way to find out is to get male and female volunteers to take part in a cold water immersion test.

This is a standard pain test widely used because it causes acute pain without doing any long-term damage (as long as you don’t do it for more than 15 minutes).

In this test, you put your hand in a bucket of ice-cold water and see how long you can keep it there before the pain becomes intolerable.

I’ve done it a couple of times and oddly enough after the initial shock it doesn’t actually feel cold; below about 3 degrees Celsius your pain receptors overwhelm your temperature receptors so you are no longer able to tell if the water is hot or freezing.

All you know is that it is incredibly painful.

When this test is done in a laboratory setting, men almost always outlast women. This may be pure machismo, but Professor Jeff Mogil of McGill University, Montreal, thinks there is more to it.

A couple of years ago, I was in a large military hospital in Afghanistan, filming a series called Frontline Medicine for the BBC. I saw a number of soldiers, male and female, with serious head injuries.

I was told that the women were likely to make a better recovery than the men.Why? It may be, in part, because women have higher levels of progesterone.Progesterone is best known as a female hormone, involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, but it is also important for the development of neurones — the cells that carry messages in the brain.

Animal studies and a few small human trials have shown that giving progesterone soon after suffering a brain injury improves survival and recovery.

This, I think, is why researching gender differences is worth doing.

It is not because it will help us understand why men struggle to remember their children’s birthdays or why there are fewer female darts players, but because it may help us find more effective ways to tackle disease.