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Obesity may have harmful effects on the brain, and exercise may counteract many of those negative effects, according to sophisticated new neurological experiments with mice, even when the animals do not lose much weight. While it's impossible to know if human brains respond in precisely the same way to fat and physical activity, the findings offer one more reason to get out and exercise.

It's been known for some time that obesity can alter cognition in animals. Past experiments with lab rodents, for instance, have shown that obese animals display poor memory and learning skills compared to their normal-weight peers. They don't recognize familiar objects or recall the location of the exit in mazes that they've negotiated multiple times.


But scientists hadn't understood how excess weight affects the brain. Fat cells, they knew, manufacture and release substances into the bloodstream that flow to other parts of the body, including the heart and muscles. There, these substances jump-start biochemical processes that produce severe inflammation and other conditions that can lead to poor health.

Many thought the brain, though, should be insulated from those harmful effects. It contains no fat cells and sits behind the protective blood-brain barrier that usually blocks the entry of undesirable molecules.

However, recent disquieting studies in animals indicate that obesity weakens that barrier, leaving it leaky and permeable. In obese animals, substances released by fat cells can ooze past the barrier and into the brain.

The consequences of that seepage became the subject of new neurological experiments conducted by researchers at Georgia Regents University in Augusta and published last month in The Journal of Neuroscience. For the studies, the scientists gathered mice bred to overeat and grow obese, which, after a few weeks of sitting quietly in their cages and eating at will, the animals had obligingly accomplished. As they grew rotund and accumulated more fat cells, the researchers found, their blood showed increasingly hefty doses of a substance called interleukin 1 that is created by fat cells and known to cause inflammation.
乔治亚瑞金斯大学(Georgia Regents University,位于美国奥古斯塔)的研究人员以这种渗漏造成的后果为对象进行了一系列新颖的神经生物学实验,并将其发表于上个月的《神经科学杂志》(The Journal of Neuroscience)上。出于研究需要,科学家们首先搜集了一些容易过食和肥胖的小鼠。这些小鼠可以好几周都安静地坐在笼子里,随心所欲地吃啊吃。等它们长得圆嘟嘟的,并积累了较多的脂肪细胞后,它们差不多就合格了。研究人员对它们进行了检查,并发现在它们的血液中有一种名为白细胞介素1(interleukin 1)的物质浓度日益增加,这种物质由脂肪细胞产生,且目前已知它会引起炎症。

In these mice, as interleukin 1 migrated to the head, it passed the blood-brain barrier and entered areas such as the hippocampus, a part of the brain critical for learning and memory. There, it essentially gummed up the works, the researchers found when they examined tissue from the animals' brains, which had high levels of interleukin 1 together with widespread markers of inflammation. While inflammation can represent a healthy response to invading molecules, it hurts cells if it persists.

The researchers also noted extremely low levels in these mice brains of a biochemical associated with healthy synapse function. Synapses are the structures that connect one neuron to another and shunt messages between them. Healthy synapses respond to demands on the brain by slowing or speeding messages, keeping the brain's nervous-system traffic manageable. But low levels of the marker of synapse health suggested to the researchers that in these obese animals' inflamed brains, synapses were no longer functioning properly and messages between neurons likely jerked, hiccuped or stalled.

That possibility was borne out by subsequent tests on the memory and thinking of some of the remaining obese mice. They performed miserably.