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Apple Watch绝对不是个没用的东西


When people say Apple has built things people didn't know they need, it's not really true. Apple has built things that meet the needs people have always had. More than any other consumer company, Apple gets what people really, fundamentally need. That's why announcements like last week's Apple Watch tend to have the cultural impact they do.
当人们谈及苹果品牌,常常说,它制造了一些人们不知道自己需要的产品,其实并非如此。苹果早已制造了人们日常所需的产品。甚至比其他的产品公司,苹果从人们根本所需的基础上制造产品,正如不久前Apple Watch首发时所标榜的,它正产生着深刻的文化影响力。

When we think of needs and products we often go right to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the ubiquitous theory that human needs manifest in a specific sequence, from base survival to the pinnacle of self-actualization. Marketers have spent decades figuring out at what level of Maslow's hierarchy their customers are stuck, and then offering products and marketing for that need. Think of Campbell's "Mmm-mmm Good" campaign at one end and Lexus's "Relentless Pursuit of Perfection" at the other. If Maslow was right, brands needed to target a single need, satisfy it well, and be done.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:马斯洛需求层次理论,也称为基本需求层次理论。分别是生理上的需要,安全上的需要,情感和归属的需要,尊重的需要,自我实现的需要和自我超越的需求。
pinnacle n. :高峰,顶尖,极点。

Apple Watch绝对不是个没用的东西

But it turns out that Maslow wasn't entirely right. My own research at Forrester Research has focused on synthesizing a much more complete and empirical description of people's fundamental needs based on research in psychology, economics, and neuroscience. When we talk about human needs, we use four categories:


Crucially, we've learned that these needs are not hierarchical. Think of yourself: You don't wake up in the morning and only think about food, then worry about making money, then think about loftier pursuits. Neither your day nor your life unfolds like that. It's messier, because of our adaptive and clever biology. Our hormones, our neurotransmitters, even our gut bacteria cause us to think about base needs like survival and loftier ones like personal fulfillment simultaneously. In fact, they compete with one another for our attention, and we prioritize and re-prioritize them on the fly, as context changes.

lofty adj.:崇高的,高级的。此处loftier pursuits,更高层次的需求,指的是精神层面的追求。
neurotransmitter ['nʊrotrænzmɪtɚ], n.:神经递质

Apple's understanding of this is what sets it apart when it comes to launching market-changing products, including the newly announced Apple Watch. Apple doesn't lock into one need on the hierarchy (soup that satisfies hunger, or perfect luxury car), but instead builds and markets products that connect on all four of the human needs that we're grappling with constantly. Let's use the Apple Watch as an example:
苹果公司根据其对于人类需求的理解,在市场变动的情况下推广产品的时候,包括Apple Watch,把这两个概念分离开来。苹果公司并不局限优先满足某一个需求(生理需求还是精神需求),相反地,它制造和推广符合人们不断挣扎的四大需求的新产品,下面就以Apple Watch为例,给大家分析苹果公司是如何的独领风骚。


Texts, finger-drawn emoticons, even the feature some consider hopelessly gimmicky, heartbeat sharing, are all central to the device keeping you connected.


Connections to loved ones is part of comfort, and so is the built-in health and fitness tracking, which makes the device something of a coach in your quest to improve yourself.


An easy box for Apple to check. Though many were surprised by the Apple Watch's conventional look (which pundits immediately declared savvy), Apple actually took the traditional winding crown of a watch and with it created a unique UI and UX, making it a tool for zooming in and out of maps or menus. The same is true in Apple's creation of an original touch interface which distinguishes between a tap and a press, giving the small screen twice as much utility as it would otherwise have.