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常规任务对决首要任务 不可忽视工作中的"小事"

The extraordinarily rich anonymised information from such a system is a treasure trove for big data researchers such as Wharton’s Katherine Milkman. Analysing 13.8m “unique hand hygiene opportunities” for more than 4,000 staff at 35 hospitals, she and her co-authors found that over a 12-hour shift compliance by an average staff member fell by 8.5 percentage points. Lax handwashing, they suggest, could be costing $25bn annually in treatment of unnecessary infection in the US – and leading to 70,000 needless deaths.
对沃顿商学院的凯瑟琳•米尔克曼(Katherine Milkman)这样的大数据研究者来说,这个系统提供的格外丰富的匿名信息是一个宝库。在分析了35家医院逾4000名员工总共1380万次“独一无二的手卫生机会”后,她和她的合著者发现在12小时的轮班期间,员工对手卫生程序的平均遵守度下降了8.5个百分点。他们估测,在美国,疏于洗手引起的不必要的感染每年会造成250亿美元的治疗费用,并导致7万个不必要的死亡病例。

As Prof Milkman explained to me last week, the fact that intense work makes it harder to do less important tasks could have profound implications in other walks of life. The study points out that “these deviations pose a threat to the wellbeing of organisations, employees and clients . . . because such violations can reduce the quality of products produced and services provided as well as creating an unsafe work environment”.

Suddenly, it is a little clearer why the exhausted M&A banker skips parts of the ethical code her bank insists on, or why the tired lorry driver jumps the lights to make it to the depot on time. The work could offer clues about how to make sure the steeplejack always checks his harness, even on the final ascent of the skyscraper, and the weary journalist reads through her story for possible errors on deadline.

The good news is that while the ability to carry out these simple tasks deteriorates swiftly, employers can restore it rapidly by, say, giving workers longer breaks between shifts. Another positive conclusion is that in this case technology seems to help. Monitoring compliance electronically, for all its Orwellian implications, does improve the overall frequency of handwashing.

Hand hygiene is, however, one of those secondary tasks that will by definition always be manual. In other areas, the assumption is that machines have cleared the way for professionals to concentrate on their primary productive job. But there is evidence, highlighted in a recent New Yorker article about pilots’ reliance on their autopilot, that some skills may atrophy as workers become complacent about technological back-up.
不过,手卫生是一种必须手工完成的次要任务。在其他领域,人们假设机器已经为专业人才清除了道路,让他们能专注于自己的首要生产性工作。但证据似乎表明,员工对技术“后盾”过于自满导致一些技能会慢慢退化,《纽约客》(The New Yorker)最近一篇关于飞行员依赖自动驾驶仪的文章凸显了这一证据。

I think the new research adds a further twist: if technology makes some vital tasks that used to be central seem routine, workers may also start to neglect them as the day drags on – with potentially dire consequences.