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You might ask where the academic leadership is. In every case where business schools have changed their M.B.A. programs to reflect the real world, you will find a strong dean whose vision and conviction have triumphed over academic entitlements. These deans could be successful entrepreneur themselves. But we are talking about the exceptions — most act more like union stewards than entrepreneurs. This why you have to get the entrepreneur out of the classroom.

Eventually, I began to offer my ideas to other institutions. What I got was a lot of interest and a lot of partners (22 universities), but little action. My vision of an entrepreneurial M.B.A. kept getting clobbered. Then, this past September, I partnered with Brenau University in Gainesville, Ga., to offer an accredited entrepreneurial M.B.A. Here's what it took: a nontenured faculty, forward-thinking deans and an entrepreneurial president of the college.
最后,我开始向其他机构传达我的想法。我所得到的是很多感兴趣的回应以及很多合伙人(22所大学),但真正的行动却很少。我对于创业型M.B.A.的设想仍然举步维艰。然后,就在刚过去的9月,我与位于佐治亚州盖恩斯维尔的布里诺大学(Brenau University)达成了合作,提供一个受承认的创业型M.B.A.项目。这个目标能达成,主要得益于这些因素:非终身制的教职工集体、高瞻远瞩的院系领导以及一个有创业精神的校长。

We put all of the academics online and worked tirelessly to integrate students into the local business community. Students attend board meetings, commerce dinners and C.E.O. round tables to get to know business leaders and their businesses. M.B.A. apprentices spend three months working side by side with a chief executive, reporting only to them. So it is possible.
我们把所有的课程都放到网上,不厌其烦地组织学生融入当地的商业圈子。学生们参加董事会议、商业晚餐以及C.E.O. 圆桌会议,以便认识了解商业领袖们以及他们的事业。M.B.A.学生们用3个月的时间跟随在一位执行副总身边工作,直接向他报告工作。所以这一切都是可能达到的。

And now, when entrepreneurs ask me whether they should go get an M.B.A., here's what I tell them: If you get in to Stanford, go. Stanford offers exceptional access to Silicon Valley, the best fast-growth ecosystem in the universe. The school's work-study program hits the all-important three Rs: rigorous, relevant, and real-world. In many cases, Stanford students end up helping a Silicon Valley company grow while getting their M.B.A. at the same time.

And if you get into Harvard's business school, go. It has been proved over and over that it can help you build a business, although I'm not convinced it has anything to do with the school's well-known "case study" business curriculum. For my taste, the case study remains a classroom-centric model that has little to do with entrepreneurs trying to build a business today. But go to Harvard anyway — if only for the Harvard alumni network. The contacts you make during and after the program are worth the price of admission.

Beyond Stanford and Harvard, I would say this: Go only if you find a program that offers real-world experience, working alongside someone who is building a business. Otherwise, while I wouldn't say the current traditional M.B.A. is useless, it is pretty much like having athletes studying game film but never practicing on the field.

Cliff Oxford is the founder of the Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs. You can follow him on Twitter.
克里夫·奥克斯福德(Cliff Oxford)是牛津创业中心(Oxford Center for Entrepreneurs)的创立者。你可以在Twitter上关注他。