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To many individual students, the newfound difficulty probably doesn't cause much harm (even if it does cause angst). Over the last 20 years, several large colleges, like N.Y.U. and the University of Southern California, have improved markedly, effectively increasing the number of seats on elite campuses, Noodle has noted.
对许多学生个体而言,这种新增的难度很可能无伤大雅(尽管的确会导致焦虑)。Noodle公司指出,过去20年间,包括纽约大学(NYU)和南加州大学(University of Southern California)在内的几家大型院校进步显著,实际上增加了一流大学的位置。

And there is still scant evidence that the selectivity of the college one attends matters much. Students with similar SAT scores who attended colleges of different selectivity — say, Penn and Penn State — had statistically identical incomes in later years, according to research by the economists Stacy Dale and Alan Krueger.
而且,仍然没有什么证据表明,人们所上高等院校的顶尖程度真有多大意义。根据经济学家史黛西·戴尔(Stacy Dale)和艾伦·克鲁格(Alan Krueger)所做的研究,拥有相似SAT分数的学生,就算上了水准不一的学校——比如宾大与宾州州立——后来的收入在统计学上也没有差别。

THERE was one exception, though: low-income students, who did seem to benefit from attending an elite college. Maybe they benefited more from the social contacts they made there or were more likely to drop out if they did not attend a top college.

Either way, the research underscores a problem with the way colleges have globalized. With only a handful of exceptions (including Harvard, Amherst, M.I.T. and Yale), colleges have not tried hard to recruit an economically diverse group of foreign students. The students instead have become a revenue source.

Sarah Turner and Kelli Bird, University of Virginia economists, have found that the enrollment of undergraduate foreign students fluctuates with the economic growth and exchange rates of those students' countries of origin. The pattern is much stronger among undergraduates than doctoral students — a sign that the undergraduates' families are paying their way.
弗吉尼亚大学的经济学家莎拉·特纳(Sarah Turner)和凯利·伯德(Kelli Bird)发现,大学本科外国学生的录取数量随着学生原籍国家的经济增长和汇率的变化而出现波动。这个规律在本科生中比在博士研究生中更加明显——这意味着,这些本科学生的学费由家里负担。

In recent years, college administrators have repeatedly claimed that enrolling a more economically diverse group of students is a top priority. But their actions don't always match their words. While some have made progress, the students at many remain overwhelmingly affluent. On average, about 15 percent of students at elite colleges receive Pell grants, which as a rule of thumb go to students in the bottom half of the income distribution.

Foreign students — typically well-off ones — have become another group that college admissions offices have decided should be well represented in every freshman class, along with "legacy" applicants (the children of alumni), varsity athletes and underrepresented minorities. A large fraction of these groups comes from high-income families. And all of them, along now with students from around the world, are a higher priority for colleges than poor students.

Low-income applicants are left to compete for the remaining slots with applicants who have the highest test scores, most impressive extracurricular activities and most eloquent essays.

The globalization of elite colleges, then, is a fitting case study of how higher education has transformed itself in the last half century. After decades of being dominated by male students coming from a narrow network of prep schools, these schools have become a patchwork of diversity — gender, race, religion and now geography. Underneath the surface, though, that patchwork still has some common threads.