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Apple Pay遭遇零售商联盟抵制


One week after its debut, Apple’s new mobile wallet is showing promise with consumers.

Apple’s rivals in the payments industry, meanwhile, are scrambling to prevent it from being too successful.

Even before Apple Pay was announced, a coalition of retailers refused to accept it in their stores. More than 50 companies make up this group, the so-called Merchant Customer Exchange or MCX, including global retail giants like Walmart, Best Buy and Gap Inc.
在苹果宣布要推出Apple Pay之前,一个零售商联盟已经拒绝在其门店中接受它了。这个名为“商家客户交易”(Merchant Customer Exchange,简称MCX)的组织有50多家公司成员,包括沃尔玛(Walmart)、百思买(Best Buy)和Gap等全球零售业巨头。

Apple Pay遭遇零售商联盟抵制

It’s not that these companies don’t want a mobile wallet to truly catch on with consumers. They see the mobile wallet as a way to help retailers understand more about their customers’ shopping habits and, potentially, let merchants avoid the high fees they pay when processing credit card transactions.

But they are working on building a competitor, CurrentC, a mobile wallet app that will connect directly to customers’ bank accounts or store-specific credit card. It won’t be available until 2015.
但是它们在开发一种和Apple Pay相抗衡的移动钱包应用CurrentC,这种应用会直接和顾客的银行账号或针对具体商户的信用卡绑定。它至少要到2015年才能推出。

The problem is that under the terms of their MCX contractual agreement, they are not supposed to accept competing mobile payments products like Apple Pay, according to multiple retailers involved with MCX, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. If these retailers break their contracts, they will face steep fines for doing so, these people said.
问题是,据多家属于MCX的零售商称,根据MCX的合同规定,他们是不可以接受Apple Pay这种竞争对手的移动支付产品的,这些商家要求在本文中匿名。他们说,一旦违反合同规定,会遭到高额罚款。

Since Apple Pay was introduced a week ago, consumers have tried to use it in MCX members like Rite Aid and CVS. So those businesses have disabled the technology that supports Apple Pay.
Apple Pay是一周前推出的,自那以后有消费者试图在Rite Aid和CVS等MCX会员商户使用它。这些商户因此已经禁用了支持Apple Pay的技术。

For weeks, Walmart and Best Buy have said they will not support Apple’s payments product. And Target, which has partnered with Apple for online payments, does not accept Apple Pay in its stores.
几周来沃尔玛和百思买一直在说,他们不会支持苹果的支付产品。在在线支付上与苹果有合作的塔吉特(Target),在其门店是不接受Apple Pay的。

At stake is the future of how consumers choose to pay for things, with technology companies, credit card businesses and retailers all fighting for a piece of what may become a $90 billion mobile payments market, according to projections from Forrester.