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Apple Pay遭遇零售商联盟抵制

But the clock is ticking. If Apple Pay becomes a hit, MCX member retailers still waiting on CurrentC to begin could miss out on untold mobile payment transactions. Merchants also risk customer resentment if they continue to refuse Apple Pay. And if Apple Pay catches on, consumers may not be interested in a competing product.
但是时间不等人。如果Apple Pay大获成功,还在等CurrentC的MCX零售商成员错过的移动支付交易是难以估量的。如果商户继续拒绝Apple Pay,还有可能招致顾客的怨恨。而一旦Apple Pay普及起来,消费者可能就不会想去尝试与之竞争的产品了。

“These retailers are in a real jam,” said Karen Webster, chief executive of Market Platform Dynamics, a payments industry consulting firm. “The last thing merchants want is ticking off their consumers over payment,” Ms. Webster said.
“这些零售商有大麻烦了,”支付业咨询公司市场平台动态(Market Platform Dynamics)首席执行官凯伦·韦伯斯特(Karen Webster)说。“因为付款方式的问题惹怒顾客是商家最不愿意看到的事。”

First announced in 2012, CurrentC is an effort by merchants to build their ideal mobile wallet. CurrentC is designed to link directly to a customer’s bank account instead of a credit card. This is a strategic move, analysts say; in bypassing the credit card companies, merchants can avoid the high fees that they are required to pay on each credit transaction they process.

“Retailers are looking for a combination of factors to adopt in stores,” said Mallory Duncan, senior vice president of the National Retail Federation, a retail advocacy group. “And that includes if it delivers a good price to hold down costs for them and their customers.”
“零售商在寻找一种门店需考虑的各项因素的组合,”零售倡导组织美国零售联合会(National Retail Federation)高级副总裁莫罗伊·邓肯(Mallory Duncan)说。“这其中包括它是否能给一个好价钱,帮商户和顾客降低成本。”

CurrentC would also give retailers the ability to track shopping habits across the dozens of stores that belong to MCX, a data set that has traditionally been held by credit card companies, not merchants. If retailers had access to this data, it could be used to deliver relevant deals and loyalty points to consumers, which could increase these companies’ bottom lines.

That could also amount to in-store experiences centered on the smartphone, an area in which Walmart, one of the biggest partners in MCX, has increasingly dabbled in recent years.

“MCX is studying how to make sure all of the things that a customer wants to do in a store can be facilitated in a conscious way,” said Steve Mott, owner of BetterBuyDesign, a payments industry consulting firm.
“MCX正在研究如何有意识地让顾客在一个商店里做的所有事都便利起来,”支付业咨询公司BetterBuyDesign所有人史蒂夫·莫特(Steve Mott)说。

Unlike Apple Pay, CurrentC is months away from beginning. When it is finally introduced, there is no guarantee it will take off.
和Apple Pay不同的是,CurrentC还要再过数月才能启用。即使等到最终推出,也不能保证会普及起来。

Critics of CurrentC say it appears much more difficult to use than Apple Pay. Instead of contactless payment technology, CurrentC will rely on QR codes, a type of bar code that merchants scan to complete the transaction. It will also be an app that users must find and download from Apple’s App store.
对CurrentC持批评态度的人说,它看起来比Apple Pay难用很多。CurrentC没有使用无需接触的支付技术,而是依靠QR码,商家通过扫描这种条形码来完成交易。同时它也是一个应用,用户必须到苹果的应用商店上找到并下载它。

Apple Pay, on the other hand, relies on so-called near-field communication technology built into every iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. In contrast to using CurrentC, customers are not required to open an app or even unlock their iPhones when using Apple Pay.
而Apple Pay则依靠所有iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus内置的所谓近场通讯技术。和CurrentC不同的是,顾客在使用Apple Pay时不必打开一个应用,甚至不用把他们的iPhone解锁。

Mobile payments are still very young in commerce and shopping. In 2013, mobile proximity payments in the United States amounted to $1.6 billion, according to eMarketer, an industry research firm. That is but a fraction of the $4.26 trillion spent in brick-and-mortar stores that year.

And while many industry experts expect mobile payments to rise over the next five years, there is no guarantee that consumers will find mobile wallets any more convenient than paying with cash or a credit card. Google’s payments product, Google Wallet, famously flopped after its introduction in 2011. PayPal’s mobile wallet options have failed to truly catch on as well.
虽然很多业界专家预计移动支付在未来五年里会有增长,但消费者是否会认为移动钱包比现金或信用卡更便利,却很难说。谷歌(Google)在2011年推出的支付产品Google Wallet是个著名的失败案例。贝宝(PayPal)的移动钱包方案也没能真正普及起来。

Still, many say they believe that if any company is able to widely influence consumer behavior, it’s Apple. And if that is the case, MCX may have picked the wrong mobile wallet to back.

“When these contracts were signed several years ago, no one knew about Apple Pay, or what mobile wallets were going to look like,” Ms. Webster said. “It just didn’t have the same sort of consumer froth around it.”
“几年前签这些合同的时候,大家都不知道有Apple Pay,也不知道移动钱包应该是个什么样子,”韦伯斯特说。“CurrentC可是没有这种让消费者热议的魅力。”