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爱的奇迹:俯身亲吻导盲犬 失明女孩恢复视力


A New Zealand woman, who had no vision since she was 11, had her sight restored one night when she hit her head on a coffee table.

Lisa Reid, from Auckland, has a tumour pressing down on her optic nerve and in 2000 she was not able to see at all.

But on the night of November 15, 2000, that all changed when Ms Reid - who was 24 at the time - crouched down to kiss her guide dog at the time, Ami, goodnight and accidentally knocked her head on her coffee table.

爱的奇迹:俯身亲吻导盲犬 失明女孩恢复视力

The next morning, she woke up and some of her vision had been restored.

'Nobody knows what happened or can explain it,' Ms Reid, now 38, told Daily Mail Australia.

'I can't really find words to describe how it felt - amazing, fantastic.

'You can imagine not being able to see and then you can, you can't really describe that.

'To see the world again visually is a gift.'

To help her cope with her visual impairment, Ms Reid has been supported by New Zealand's Blind Foundation and said without them she would be 'lost without them'.

Ms Reid is sharing her story with the world to help them raise awareness and funds to help the foundation provide the services which she has been using since she was 14.

She recalls that one of her most shocking moments she had when she was able to see again - the changes in her brother.

'He was a man... with a goatee and everything. My brother's a man,' Ms Reid said.

'When I saw my mum, I was like: "You look the same but older."

'I turned into a woman and my brother turned into a man.'