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American companies are also hoping to strike a chord with similar products. Peter Thomas Roth, a skin-care line in New York, makes a CC cream (a lighter sibling to the BB cream) in South Korea. Its answer to the Korean essence, a step between cleansing and treatment, is its Un-Wrinkle Turbo Line Smoothing Lotion. It also has a sleeping mask (a concentrated mask you wear overnight) and an oil-like product made from squalene, which comes from sugar cane and has long been popular in Asia.
美国化妆品公司也希望用类似的产品打动顾客。纽约护肤品牌彼得罗夫(Peter Thomas Roth)在韩国生产CC霜(一款比BB霜清淡的姐妹产品)。它的精纯胜肽精华(Un-Wrinkle Turbo Line Smoothing Lotion)是一款与韩国的精华液(清洁和护肤之间的一个步骤)类似的产品。它也有睡眠面膜(可以敷着入睡的浓缩面膜),还有一款用鲨烯做的卸妆油,这种从甘蔗中提取出来的鲨烯在亚洲流行已久。

For sure, there is an exoticism to Korean ingredients, with products like LadyKin Vanpir Dark Repair Cream (which touts Red Dragon Blood Resin Extract) and Mizon Returning Starfish Cream (with 70 percent starfish extract). Alpha-hydroxy acid-based peeling foot masks that remove layers of dead skin have been gaining followers here, the most popular being Baby Foot. (Best not to Google the product. Eeew.)
毫无疑问,韩国护肤品的成分具有异国情调,比如LadyKin吸血鬼暗黑复活面霜(LadyKin Vanpir Dark Repair Cream,含有红龙木树脂提取液)和谜之芬海星再生面霜(Mizon Returning Starfish Cream,含有70%的海星萃取物)。果酸去死皮足膜在美国也被追捧,最流行的是宝贝脚(Baby Foot)牌的(最好别去谷歌上搜索这种产品。呃!)。

So pronounced is the interest in Korean products among Refinery29 readers that Ms. McIntyre recently hired Joyce Kong, a Korean-American writer in Seoul, as its Korean beauty correspondent.
Refinery29网站的读者们对韩国护肤品的兴趣非常明显,所以麦金太尔最近聘用首尔的韩裔美国作家乔伊斯·孔(Joyce Kong)担任韩国美容记者。

"Every month there's something new, so much of my job is to figure out, is this a fad or something that's going to be a real trend?” Ms. Kong said. “There has been snail cream and snake venom lotion. Right now donkey milk is a thing."

A contender for the next blockbuster is the single-use sheet mask, a piece of thin paper or fabric coated in active ingredients. "Say my skin routine focuses on hydrating and firming," Ms. Yoon said, “but I've been tired so I want something to promote an inner glow. That's where a mask comes in.”

In Korea, these are already ubiquitous. "You walk into any drugstore and there are walls filled with sheet masks that cost anywhere from $1 to $10," Ms. Kim said. “They're very much part of the routine over there."

Ms. McIntyre said she thinks the next big things could be sleeping masks and cushion compacts, in which BB cream in a compact form comes with a spongelike applicator for a dewy finish.

One sure thing is that beauty companies will continue looking to Korea. Ms. McIntyre said, “It has become almost an arms race to see what the next big thing will be."