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'In Argentina for example, tipping is actually illegal, however, waiters often expect to be tipped by foreigners so if you were to tip, discretion is advised.

'For instance, in the UK, tipping for food in restaurants is OK, although unexpected as service charges are generally included. Yet, tipping for drinks at a bar is just not cricket!'

In general, it's not uncommon to give a small tip to your porter as he drops off your luggage in your hotel room in most places.

Rounding up your fare for taxi drivers is common in most countries, apart from New Zealand and Chile, where it's not expected at all.

'It seems that tipping traditions are evolving throughout the world as more people travel.

'Australia and New Zealand don't have a history of tipping, yet travellers who are unaware of this fact have heightened some expectations from service staff,' Holte added.

'If you haven't done your homework before you go, remember you can always ask what the custom is from hotel staff.

'Most people will appreciate you taking the time to find out, and it's a good way to avoid some very sticky situations.'