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“They have a cockpit where they get a ton of analytics about where the money is spent,” said Castlight CEO and co-founder Giovanni “Gio” Colella, whose previous company, RelayHealth, was acquired by McKesson in 2006. Collela’s co-founders were Todd Park (co-founder of Athenahealth and the tech guru who helped fix the troubled Healthcare.gov site) and venture capitalist Bryan Roberts (Venrock).
Castlight Health公司的CEO兼联合创始人乔瓦尼o“吉奥”o科莱拉表示:“他们有一个系统,其中包括对医疗福利费用的大量分析。”科莱拉之前的公司RelayHealth在2006年被麦克森公司(McKesson)收购。科莱拉的联合创始人包括托德o帕克(电子病历管理公司Athenahealth的联合创始人,同时也是一位技术专家,曾帮助解决美国医保网站Healthcare.gov的故障)和风险投资人布莱恩o罗伯茨(风投公司Venrock)。

One Castlight customer, for example, discovered an unusually high incidence of back pain issues within certain departments. The company came up with an ergonomic solution to this problem, paring back on those medical costs, Colella said.

How did Castlight convince almost every insurance company (except United Healthcare because of an exclusivity clause) to disclose this information? By convincing businesses to demand the information. Right now, the service covers most medical procedures and pharmacy information. Offerings that cover dental plans and behavioral health are in the wings.
那么,Castlight是如何说服几乎所有的保险公司披露这些信息的呢[只有联合健康保险公司(United Healthcare)因排他性条款未披露相关信息]?通过说服客户索要这些信息。目前,该服务涵盖了多数医疗程序和药物信息。公司即将推出包括牙科保健计划和行为健康的服务。

Castlight boasted 159 customers at the end of the third quarter. According to its latest earnings report, the company expects to generate $43.9 million to $44.3 million this year, with anticipated losses of $74 million to $75 million. (Its CEO and CFO are scheduled to present updates at two investor conferences later this week.)

Christopher Lochhead, partner with consulting firm Play Bigger and advisor to Castlight’s management team, says healthcare costs are among the top three to five costs for most big businesses. The rise of powerful analytics technologies along with the transparency demanded by social media are driving interest in Castlight’s services. “This is a company, as corny as it may sound, that could do very well by doing a lot of good,” Lochhead said.
咨询公司Play Bigger的合伙人、Castlight公司管理团队顾问克里斯托弗o洛克希德表示,医疗成本在大多数公司的开支项目中排在前三至五位。功能强大的分析技术的兴起和社交媒体需要的透明度,正在使更多人对Castlight公司的服务产生兴趣。洛克希德表示:“虽然听起来有些老套,但这家公司可以通过做好事把事情做得更好。”

Healthcare provider are also hungry for data that can help them make more informed decisions on behalf of their patients, said Mike Harden, co-founder and senior partner at ARTIS Ventures. This observation comes while during our chat last week about the role of wearable technologies in corporate wellness initiatives. “In order for make that information of value, it needs to connect to a professional,” he said. “It needs to connect to something that your nutritionist or doctor might be able to see. Together, you can make improvements to your health.”
投资公司ARTIS Ventures的联合创始人兼高级合伙人麦克o哈登表示,医疗保健服务提供商也渴望得到这些数据,帮助他们为患者做出更明智的决定。上周,笔者与哈登就可穿戴技术在公司健康计划中的作用进行了交流,他当时提出了上述观点。他表示:“要使这些信息产生价值,就必须将它们与专业人士联系在一起。这些信息需要与你的营养师或医生可能看到的数据相关联。多方合作一定会改善你的健康。”

That philosophy is behind ARTIS Ventures’ three rounds of financing for Practice Fusion, which manages electronic health records in the cloud for more than 112,000 healthcare professionals. So far, it has raised almost $160 million since it was founded in July 2005.
ARTIS Ventures参与Practice Fusion公司的三轮融资,也正是基于这样的理念。Practice Fusion公司通过云技术,为超过112,000名医护专业人员管理电子病历。公司从2005年7月成立至今,已经获得融资约1.6亿美元。

Heather Clancy is the author of Data Sheet, Fortune’s daily newsletter about the business of technology.
希瑟o克兰西是《财富》科技公司每日资讯栏目Data Sheet的作者。