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A so-called early version of the Mona Lisa has gone on public display for the first time in 400 years - as experts revealed they have established a link between it and one of England's finest country homes.


A group of historians claim Leonardo da Vinci painted the work, dubbed the 'Early Mona Lisa', more than a decade before his masterpiece portrait and depicted the same Italian merchant's wife.

一个历史家团队认为列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)所画的取名为《年轻的蒙娜丽莎》(Early Mona Lisa)的创作时间先于著名肖像画《蒙娜丽莎》超过十年,但描绘的是同一位女士,她是一位意大利商人的妻子。


It was unearthed before the First World War but lay hidden in a Swiss bank vault for 40 years, while a consortium carried out secret tests before unveiling it in 2012 - though many experts still insist it was one of a litany of inferior copies.


Today, as the painting's first public exhibition was unveiled in Singapore, the Swiss-based Mona Lisa Foundation claimed it has discovered new details about the painting's past which strengthen the view it is by Da Vinci.


It was already known that it was bought from a Somerset aristocrat in 1913 by English art dealer Hugh Blaker, who kept it in his studio in Isleworth, south west London, before selling it to American Henry Pulitzer in the 1960s. Before that, however, the painting's journey was a murky one.

人们已知的就是1913年一位英国贩画商人休·布莱克(Hugh Blaker)从一位萨摩赛特郡(Somerset)的贵族手中买到了它,将其放在他位于伦敦西南部的艾尔沃思(Isleworth)的画室里,在20世纪60年代又将其卖给美国人亨利·普利策(Henry Pulitzer),但在这段历史之前这幅画的流通便不为人知。

Now the Foundation claims it has identified strong evidence that the Somerset home where the painting was bought in 1913 could be Montacute House - one of England's finest Elizabethan mansions now run by the National Trust.

目前,蒙娜丽莎基金会表示有确凿的证据表明1913年布莱克在萨摩赛特购买画作的具体位置是现在的蒙塔库故居(Montacute House),这是其中一间全英国最好的伊丽莎白一世时期的宅邸,现在由英国国民信托组织管理(the National Trust)。

The claim, seen by the Reuters news agency, would fit if true. The Phelips family which owned Montacute fell on hard times and secretly sold their possessions just before the First World War, leaving the manor in 1911.

路透社认为这个推断是有历史根据的:蒙塔库宅邸当时的主人菲利普斯一家(the Phelips)陷入困境,在第一次世界大战之前秘密地变卖了他们的财产,在1911年离开了这个庄园。

In 1915 the house was taken over by future Foreign Secretary Lord Curzon, and it was later put up for sale in 1929. By 1931 it was so dilapidated that it was being valued ‘for scrap’ at £5,882.

1915年,这一间房子转交给了洛德·柯曾(Lord Curzon),即后来的外交大臣。1929年柯曾又将这间房子出售,两年后才以5882英镑的低廉价格将这户破旧不堪的房子“贱卖”掉。

Diaries kept by Blaker - who tried several times unsuccessfully to have the painting authenticated - were lost, but the researchers say the brief references which remain to the house indicate it was Montacute.


Now that the house has been restored, it was used as a filming location for the 1995 version of Sense and Sensibility starring Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant, and its Long Gallery houses more than 60 Tudor and Elizabethan portraits on loan from the National Portrait Gallery in London.

现在这间房子已经重新整修,成为由埃玛·汤普森(Emma Thompson)和休·格朗(Hugh Grant)领衔主演的1995年版《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)的拍摄地点,屋子里长长的走廊挂着向英国国家肖像画廊(National Portrait Gallery)借的六十多幅都铎王朝时代和伊丽莎白一世时代的肖像画。

The Mona Lisa researchers also say they have traced the portrait's history before its possible arrival at Montacute.


In a communication passed to Reuters, they said they had found references to a painting called La Joconde - the French name for the Mona Lisa - in an art exhibition in Yeovil, Somerset, in 1856.

他们告诉路透社记者,已经发现与此相关的一幅叫La Joconde的画,这是为蒙娜丽莎命名的法语名,这幅画在1856年萨蒙赛特的约维尔(Yeovil)一次艺术展览中展出。

The painting, which was sold to a silver dealer two years later, also featured in a document declaring that young Somerset noble James Marwood owned a work by Da Vinci called La Joconde, which he probably bought on a visit to Italy around the 1780s.

这幅两年后卖给一位银币商人的画同样在一部文件中有所记载,该文件提到萨蒙赛特的年轻贵族詹姆斯·马伍德(James Marwood)拥有一幅达·芬奇名为La Joconde的画,他可能是在18世纪80年代左右前往意大利购买的。