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Geneva-based auctioneer David Feldman, the Foundation's vice president, said: 'We feel these latest discoveries and new scientific analysis just carried out leave little doubt that it is Da Vinci's work.

瑞士日内瓦拍卖商大卫·费尔德曼(David Feldman)是蒙娜丽莎基金会的副主席。他说:“我们认为这些最新的发现和最新的科学分析几乎可以断定这就是达·芬奇的作品。

'The vast majority of experts now either agree with us or accept that there is a strong case for our thesis'.


The painting is claimed to show a younger Lisa del Giacondo, the Florentine merchant's wife who is the subject of the slightly smaller Mona Lisa painting which now hangs in the Louvre in Paris.

这幅画据推测画的应该是佛罗伦萨一位商人的妻子,名叫丽莎·戴尔·乔孔达(Lisa del Giacondo),与现在悬挂于巴黎卢浮宫的蒙娜丽莎画像是同一个人,但是比其更苗条更小巧。

The Mona Lisa Foundation says it was probably left unfinished by Da Vinci in 1505, before being completed and handed to Lisa's husband the following year.


That would make it more than a decade older than the better-known Mona Lisa, which was unveiled in 1517 before passing into the hands of the French royal family and, later, international legend.


The alleged earlier painting has been subject to X-rays and ultraviolet light scans to establish its age, and has been compared to Da Vinci's techniques - including his use of geometry in his famous Vitruvian Man sketch of 1490.

这副存在争议的画像经过了x光扫描以及紫外线扫描后确定了其创作时间,再加以对比达·芬奇的技艺,包括他在1490年速写的著名画作《维特鲁威人》(Vitruvian Man)的几何学应用。

They say it lacked a specific glazing technique which Da Vinci developed in 1508, and which was used in most of his paintings after that date.


It has earned the seal of approval, at least partially, from modern experts including Renaissance historian Giorgio Vasari, art historian John Eyre, research physicist Professor John Asmus and Professor Alessandro Vezzosi, one of the most influential living experts on Da Vinci.

但它已经得到了至少一部分人的认可。现代专家包括文艺复兴时期的历史学家乔治·瓦沙里(Giorgio Vasari),艺术历史学家约翰·艾尔(John Eyre),研究型物理学家约翰·阿斯米(John Asmus)教授和亚历山德罗·韦佐西(Alessandro Vezzosi)教授,韦佐西教授是目前还在世的研究达·芬奇最有影响力的专家。

Not everyone is convinced the painting is a real work by the Italian master. There were several contemporary copies of the Mona Lisa, and historians have often suggested the so-called early version is just another one.


And although the Swiss-based Mona Lisa Foundation is described as being not for profit, its entire aim is to study the painting - which is now owned by an anonymous 'consortium', so it is difficult to establish who would benefit financially if it was declared a genuine Da Vinci.


One of the leading doubters of the painting's authenticity in 2012 was Oxford University art history professor Martin Kemp, who was instrumental in identifying a major work by Leonardo Da Vinci in 2010.

在2012年的其中一位对这幅画的主要质疑者是来自牛津大学的艺术历史教授马丁·肯普(Martin Kemp),他在2010年协助了达·芬奇画作的分析工作。

Although he had not personally seen the painting - also known as the Isleworth Mona Lisa after Blaker's studio - he said two years ago: 'The Isleworth Mona Lisa mistranslates subtle details of the original, including the sitter's veil, her hair, the translucent layer of her dress, the structure of the hands.


'The landscape is devoid of atmospheric subtlety. The head, like all other copies, does not capture the profound elusiveness of the original.'


He also said the Isleworth version was painted on canvas, and Da Vinci's preferred choice was wood.
