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想让收益翻番 就持有这5种高收益股票

双语对照 只看英文 只看中文 Want to double your portfolio's returns? It's simple: Just focus on the stocks that are handing the most cash to investors.想要让你的投资回报翻番吗?很简单:只需要关注那些——给投资者最多分红现金的股票。No, I'm not necessarily talking about dividends here (although dividend payouts are definitely an important part of it). I'm talking about shareholder yield.别多想,我今天所说的投资收益不止单指分红(当然分红是投资者资产组合中的重要组成部分)。这次咱们谈谈股东收益的那些事儿。In a nutshell, shareholder yield is made up of anything that directly returns cash or equity to your portfolio. Yes, that includes obvious moves such as dividends, but it also includes share buybacks and paying down debt.简而言之,股东收益由任何投资后所得直接现金回报和股权增加的组合构成。当然了,这里面包括如分红这样明显的回报方式,也包括股票回购和偿还债务。Any of those three corporate actions can unlock significant value for shareholders, and the data backs it up. According to research by James O'Shaughnessy, over a 40-year period, large-cap stocks with the highest shareholder yield delivered average gains of 18.05%. That's almost double the average annual returns that investing in the big S&P 500 index would have earned you.上述三种公司行为中的任何一个都可以改变股东的财富数目,而且都有据可查。根据James O'Shaughnessy 40余年的调查研究表明,那些具有最高股东收益的大盘股会给股东平均18.05%的回报率,这将近是你投资标准普尔500指数中那些股票平均回报水平的二倍。With low interest rates and record levels of cash sitting on corporate balance sheets, management teams are looking for the most effective ways to return value to shareholders. It's not one size fits all, either. The best mix varies from company to company. But by looking at the trifecta of dividends, buybacks and debt extinguishment, you can be sure that you won't miss out on any of the proceeds.眼看着企业资产负债表中的低回报率与流动资金水平,管理层正在寻求回报股东的最有效方式。当然不能一刀切,某个有效方式不可能适合所有情况。最合适的措施每个公司都不同。但是通过观察分红额、股票回购数和债务消减量齐头并进,你就不会错过任何可能存在的收益。With that in mind, here's a look at five stocks that have provided superior shareholder yield in the last year.大家注意,以下是去年为股东带来最高收益的五只股票。HessHessGeneral ElectricGeneral ElectricNetAppNetAppPfizerPfizerActivision BlizzardActivision Blizzard

Want to double your portfolio's returns? It's simple: Just focus on the stocks that are handing the most cash to investors.
No, I'm not necessarily talking about dividends here (although dividend payouts are definitely an important part of it). I'm talking about shareholder yield.
In a nutshell, shareholder yield is made up of anything that directly returns cash or equity to your portfolio. Yes, that includes obvious moves such as dividends, but it also includes share buybacks and paying down debt.
Any of those three corporate actions can unlock significant value for shareholders, and the data backs it up. According to research by James O'Shaughnessy, over a 40-year period, large-cap stocks with the highest shareholder yield delivered average gains of 18.05%. That's almost double the average annual returns that investing in the big S&P 500 index would have earned you.
With low interest rates and record levels of cash sitting on corporate balance sheets, management teams are looking for the most effective ways to return value to shareholders. It's not one size fits all, either. The best mix varies from company to company. But by looking at the trifecta of dividends, buybacks and debt extinguishment, you can be sure that you won't miss out on any of the proceeds.
With that in mind, here's a look at five stocks that have provided superior shareholder yield in the last year.
General Electric

Activision Blizzard

上述三种公司行为中的任何一个都可以改变股东的财富数目,而且都有据可查。根据James O'Shaughnessy 40余年的调查研究表明,那些具有最高股东收益的大盘股会给股东平均18.05%的回报率,这将近是你投资标准普尔500指数中那些股票平均回报水平的二倍。
General Electric
Activision Blizzard