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A swimming teacher claims she is a human buoy - because she can float upright in water without sinking.

Libby Tucker, 67, of Sheerness, Kent says she has been able to perform the trick for as long as she can remember.
现年67岁的莉比·塔克(Libby Tucker)住在肯特郡希尔内斯。她表示,只要她能想起来,就会向人们展示这项绝技。

The 5 ft 2ins grandmother can float without having to tread water and can even cross her legs and arms without going under the surface.

She has demonstrated her skill to generations of learners at Sheerness swimming pool.


Mrs Tucker said: 'It's just something I have done all my life really. I don't know why I can do it and other people can't.

People are surprised when they see me do it, but I really don't know why I can. It's really handy to be able to float while giving children instructions.'

Mrs Tucker also showed her talent while swimming in the Red Sea on a holiday to Egypt.

She said: 'I'd bought a water-proof camera and was looking to take some pictures of the coral.

'I was sorting the camera out and floating as I do, when the captain of the boat said "you can't stand on the coral".

'I told him I wasn't and he wouldn't believe me until he jumped in and swam under the water and saw that I was floating. He was very surprised.'

Mrs Tucker floated for nine and a half hours during a fundraising event for the Children's Society in 1977.


buoy: 救生圈
float: 漂浮
upright: 竖立
trick: 特技
instruction: 指导
water-proof: 防水的
fundraising: 募款的