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A man in Brooklyn bears such an uncanny resemblance to painter Vincent Van Gogh that his own mother thought a portrait of the artist was her son.

Robert Reynolds, 33, told PIX11 that people come up to him a few times a week to tell him he looks like the painter but he only recently discovered internet fame.

Last week a commuter snapped Reynolds' photo while he was riding the G train and then posted it to her Reddit under the name xacbranch.
上周,一名通勤者在坐地铁G线时快闪拍下了雷诺兹的照片,然后上传到了她的Reddit账号@ xacbranch下。


'So I ran into Vincent Van Gogh today,' reads the post on Reddit along with a photo of Reynolds next to a portrait of post-impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh.
“所以说我今天是遇见文特森·梵高了吧,” Reddit上雷诺兹的照片旁再紧挨后印象派画家文特森·梵高的画像,并写上了这句话。

'One of my friends texted me and was like "dude, you're famous!"' Robert Reynolds, told PIX11 News.

The famous painter died at 37 when he 'shot himself in the chest' over a century ago but Van Gogh's likeness is very alive in Reynolds who hopes to somehow capitalize on his looks.

Van Gogh went mad later in life and famously chopped of his own ear in 1888 in Arles, France. He then gave his severed body part to a prostitute named Rachel.

Even though Reynolds is sane and has two ears, both he and Van Gogh share a passion for artistic expression.

Reynolds is an actor from North Carolina who is now living in New York. He says that he may start making a YouTube web series with him playing Vincent Van Gogh.