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A painting by Pablo Picasso has set a new world record for the most expensive artwork to be sold at auction after reaching $179m (£115m) in New York.

Women of Algiers (Version O) had been expected to exceed $140m before the auction but the final price far exceeded those estimates in a sale at Christie’s auction house at a time when collectors’ appetite for masterpieces of impressionist, modern and contemporary art is increasing.

On Monday night, several bidders competing via telephone drove the winning bid to $160m, for a final price of $179,365,000 including Christie’s commission of just over 12%.


Previously the most expensive work sold at auction was Francis Bacon’s triptych Three Studies of Lucian Freud, which sold for $142.4m at Christie’s in November 2013.

Experts say the prices are driven by artworks’ investment value and by wealthy new and established collectors seeking out the very best works.

“I don’t really see an end to it, unless interest rates drop sharply, which I don’t see happening in the near future,” Manhattan dealer Richard Feigen said. “
我觉得以后还会有画作拍出更高的价,除非利率暴跌,但这种情况近期显然不会出现,” 曼哈顿交易商理查德·费根如是说。

Picasso’s work is a vibrant, multi-hued painting featuring a scantily attired woman amid smaller nudes. The evening sale also featured Alberto Giacometti’s life-size sculpture Pointing Man which reached estimated $141.3m, earning it the title of most expensive sculpture sold at auction.
毕加索的这幅作品充满生气,且色彩丰富。画面上是一名赤裸的女子,其旁边还有些女子裸体片段。当晚的拍卖会上,贾科梅蒂的真人大小雕像《Pointing Man》以1.413亿美元的预拍价成功售出,成为拍卖史上最贵的雕像。