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6. They reverse-engineer solved problems.

6. 他们逆向推理已解决的问题

The problem with simply following the steps the professor provided, or the textbook outlines, is that you're only achieving a surface-level knowledge of the problem. Top students, instead, take solved problems and work backwards, from solution to question, asking "why."


By following this process, you begin to understand the interconnections of the concept, and how to directly apply that to a problem.


7. They don't own a highlighter.

7. 他们不用荧光笔

Highlighting anything = unengaged reading. If you want to note something that stands out, underline and write a corresponding note to go along with it. Or better yet, write yourself a note summarizing the item in your own words.


8. They sleep-a lot.

8. 他们睡眠充足

The daily routines of top performers, in any field, are characterized by periods of intense work (4-6 hours per day) followed by significant quantities of high-quality sleep (9 hours per night). The idea is to alternate periods of intense work with rest, so that you allow adequate time to assimilate those gains.


9. They engage themselves by asking questions.

9. 他们积极问问题

What happens if I tell you, "Thomas Jefferson almost single-handedly drafted the Delcaration of Independence in 1776."?


You might say "Hmm.. that's interesting", try to remember it for later, maybe even write down a note or two.


But what if I ask you, "Who was Thomas Jefferson?" What changes?


You start searching your memory, sifting through images of old guys, founding fathers, thinking about the Declaration of Independence. You come up with your own narrative, and then realize that you have gaps.


You'll probably find yourself going to Google to fill in the gaps. Through that process your learning will be much more deeply seated in your brain than anything your history teacher ever told you about him. That's the power of asking questions.


10. They make the best out of lecture.

10. 他们能从授课中得到最多知识

Yes, your professor sucks. Yes, lectures are boring. Yes, it's either too fast so you can't keep up and miss all the important stuff, or it's way too slow and you start zoning out because you already understand everything.


The best students look at this this way: I'm going to be there no matter what, so what's the best use of my time while I'm in the classroom? Ask questions, bring the textbook and look stuff up, focus on the important practice problems to copy down in your notes, try to anticipate what the professor is going to say, make note of anything they put emphasis on as a potential exam topic. All of these things make the time you have to spend in lecture more productive. And that's less time you have to spend studying later on.


11. They immediately study their exam mistakes.

11. 他们能立即从考试错误中吸取教训

Most students get their exam grade back, flip through to see if the professor made any mistakes, and then promptly shove it into their notebook, never to be seen again until the mad scramble at the end of the semester to study for the final.


Instead, top students ignore what they got right, and use their mistakes as an indicator of what to improve on.


12. They use old exams.

12. 他们利用以往的考试

Professors aren't the most inventive folk. Along with coming up with lecture material and departmental responsibilities, they're also primarily concerned with research. So typically midterms and final exams more or less look alike for similar courses year-to-year and even across universities. Because of this, old exams are a gold mine of opportunity for figuring out what problems you should be able to solve and study from.
