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Truths my grandfather told me 


My grandfather’s wise and optimistic views on things continues to inform my life 114 years after his birth and 25 years after his death.


For the past 25 years, my grandfather has been following me around, whispering in my ear. Not literally, of course, because that would be weird. But he’s the British-accented adviser in my head, giving me a nod of approval when I need it, and raising an eyebrow when he begs to differ with something I’m doing. 



Of late, for instance, he has been smirking at me and the activity tracker I have clipped to my pocket (a few days ago, I swear to you, it said “HUG ME KATHRYN.” What?)


I am sure that my grandfather routinely walked what is now the recommended 10,000 steps every day and not because he had a $100 gadget urging him to do so. Instead of “exercising,” he dug and hoed and roamed the pathways of his garden, growing vegetables that kept our family of four in potatoes through many winters and roses that were the joy of many summers. 


He was good to the environment in the way that people used to be before they had to be told it was the right thing to do; he never owned a car or learned to drive, so he walked everywhere he could and took a bus the rest of the time.


As a young teenager, after my grandmother died, I used to go and hang out with my grandfather on the weekends or in the summer. We walked around, chatted to the neighbours, went to the grocery store. Occasionally, I would bake him a little cake. At the end of the day, he’d turn out my light, and say “That was a good day. I enjoyed every minute of it.”


I never doubted for a moment that he meant it.


In the morning, I’d wake up to his whistling in the kitchen downstairs (usually it was “Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head,” but he also liked opera). At the time, it irritated me — I am not a morning person — but now I’d give anything to hear that whistle one more time. 
