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秋意浓 无缘赏叶的美国人网购秋叶解馋


It's peak fall, and people are going nuts over foliage.

As mid-October approaches, New Englanders wait in anticipation for that iconic time of year when the vibrant colors of fall foliage finally reach their peak. For many locals, leaf peeping - yes, that's a thing - is as simple as stepping out into the backyard or taking a ride on Amtrak's Autumn Express train.
每每临近10月中旬,新英格兰地区的居民就开始期待这个黄金时节,此时秋叶色泽最好,可谓五彩纷呈、绚丽无比。对于许多当地人而言,赏叶——没错,这是一种时尚——很简单,只要走到后院或者坐上“美铁”(Amtrak)的“秋季特快列车”(Autumn Express)就够了。

Meanwhile, those stuck in season-less regions are deprived of this annual treat.

秋意浓 无缘赏叶的美国人网购秋叶解馋

But now, green-leafed West Coasters - or anyone else who really, really likes fall - can get New England foliage delivered straight to their door. Avid hiker Kyle Waring and his wife have searched throughout New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont for the perfect few leaves that typify the fall season. They sell them on ShipFoliage.com. Customers receive a $19.99 bundle that has been hand-picked and assembled by the Warings.
但现在,只能赏绿叶的西海岸人或真地特别喜欢秋天的其他人,也能看到新英格兰的树叶了,而且直接送货上门。徒步旅行爱好者凯尔•华林(Kyle Waring)和妻子搜寻了整个新罕布什尔州、马萨诸塞州和佛蒙特州,只为找到少数能象征金秋的完美叶子。他们在“寄送叶子”(ShipFoliage.com)网站上出售搜集到的树叶。客户只需花19.99美元就能得到一组华林夫妇亲手采摘并包装好的树叶。

Once the leaves are collected, they "undergo a unique preservation process" that involves soaking them for 2-3 days and allowing them to dry for a few more. This ensures that they'll last long after the fall season is over - an estimated 5-7 years, according to the company's site.

So far, Waring has seen the most demand from season-starved customers in California, Texas, and Florida. "I guess there's something about New England foliage," he says.


