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红线缠小指! 刘翔在新浪微博公布新恋情!


红线缠小指! 刘翔在新浪微博公布新恋情!

Olympic champion Liu Xiang, one of the best known athletes in China, announced a new relationship on Saturday, six months after his divorce.

The former 110m hurdle world and Olympic champion showed a picture of two hands enlaced by a red thread in little fingers, which means two people are in love in Chinese culture, in his Sina Weibo, a Chinese equivalent to twitter. He also referred it to Wu Sha, a pole vaulter who is believed to be his date.
这位前110米栏世锦赛及奥运会冠军,在个人新浪微博(相当于中文版的推特)上发布了一张牵手红线图。一根红线绕过两只勾在一起的小指,在中国文化中寓意两人相爱。他还将这条微博@ 给了被认为是他的约会对象的撑杆跳运动员吴莎。

Wu, 30, won the pole vault title at Asian Athletics Championships in 2003 and the National Games in 2009.

Liu, who won the 110-meter hurdles at the 2004 Athens Olympics and retired in 2014, ended a nine-month marriage to actress Ge Tian last June.