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中国堵城排行榜:第2北京第3杭州 那第1是?


Many of us start the day by commuting, or traveling, to work. We drop off our children at school. We may visit the doctor or go to the market to buy food. We rush home to see our families.

Not all traffic is the same. There are some terms you need to know when talking about traffic.

One such term is gridlock. Gridlock is when nobody can go anywhere. A traffic jam so bad that no movement is possible.The roads become one big parking lot.

中国堵城排行榜:第2北京第3杭州 那第1是?

There is also stop-and-start traffic. This is when you move forward a little, but then stop. Move a little. Then stop.

Traffic can be bumper-to-bumper. This means there are so many cars on the road that their bumpers seem to be touching. To idle means the engine of your car is running, but you are not moving .

Another term to know is rush hour traffic. Rush hour traffic happens at about the same time every day – when people are commuting to and from work.