The earliest origins of Parliament grew out of the ancient government institutions of Anglo-Saxon and Norman England. The Anglo-Saxons, understanding the need for decentralised power, used a system called the witenagemot.
In 1215, the tenants-in-chief secured Magna Carta from King John. In Magna Carta, a royal council was set up which gradually developed into a parliament.
Simon De Montfort's Parliament was the first Parliament to summon representatives from towns.
英国议会建立初期,贵族和平民的利益无法平衡,于是设立由贵族组成的上议院(the house of Lords)和以平民组成的下议院(the house of Commons)以互相制衡。
从1341年起,议会实行两院制(bicameralism [bai'kæmərə,lizəm]),由君主、上院和下院组成,行使国家的最高立法权。
The House of Lords includes two different types of members: the Lords Spiritual, consisting of the most senior bishops of the Church of England, and the Lords Temporal, consisting of members of the peerage and life peers who are appointed by the Sovereign on the advice of the Prime Minister.
The House of Commons is a democratically elected chamber with elections held at least every five years. The UK public elects 650 Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and propose new laws, and can scrutinise government policies by asking ministers questions about current issues either in the Commons Chamber or in Committees.
下议院的第一大反对党往往被冠以“女王的反对党”的称谓,代表着议会的反对力量,和执政党政府针锋相对,他们还有权设立“影子内阁”(Shadow Cabinet)。
The Shadow Cabinet consists of a senior group of opposition spokespeople who, under the leadership of the Leader of the Opposition, form an alternative cabinet to that of the government, and whose members shadow or mark each individual member of the Cabinet. It is the Shadow Cabinet's responsibility to criticise the policies and actions of the government, as well as offering an alternative program."
“影子内阁”的领导者称为“影子首相”(shadow minister),旗下有“影子财政大臣”、“影子外交大臣”等等,文首的视频就是工党影子财政大臣麦克唐奈进行诘责的一段视频。
首相问答(Prime Minister's Questions,简称PMQ)是英国议会的一项传统,自19世纪开始运行至今,丘吉尔设定了固定时间问答的传统,当时每周二和周四下午各15分钟时间进行首相问答。自布莱尔当选首相后,首相问答时间改到每周三中午12点,时长为30分钟。
Prime Minister's Questions (often abbreviated to PMQs and officially known as Questions to the Prime Minister) is a constitutional convention in the United Kingdom, currently held as a single session every Wednesday at noon when the House of Commons is sitting, during which the Prime Minister spends around half an hour answering questions from Members of Parliament (MPs).
The first formal question on the Order Paper, posed by simply saying "Number one, Mr. Speaker", is usually to ask the Prime Minister "if he will list his engagements for the day". The Prime Minister usually replies:
议事日程表上第一个正式问题一般都是问“首相大人是否可以列出今天的行程”,而提出问题一般都是说“议长大人,第一个问题(Number one, Mr. Speaker)”而首相一般会回答:
“This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I shall have further such meetings later today.”
Before listing his engagements, the Prime Minister sometimes extends condolences or offers congratulations after significant events. Occasionally the first question tabled is on a specific area of policy, not the engagements question.
议员在议会上的发言,理论上都是向议长陈述,多以“Mr. Speaker”开头,指代多方多用He或者the gentleman。执政党非极端情况下不会积极质询首相,议员用起立来引起议长注意,议长起立发言时,所有议员必须无条件坐下。
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