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At Harrods, one of London’s most upmarket department stores, Chunmei Pei, a twenty-something Chinese woman dressed in Stella McCartney platform brogues, tight jeans and a black Chanel backpack, walks around the shop floor. 

在伦敦最为高档的百货公司之一哈罗德百货公司(Harrods),20多岁的中国女子Chunmei Pei脚穿丝黛拉•麦卡妮(Stella McCartney)厚底布洛克鞋、身穿紧身牛仔裤,背着黑色香奈儿(Chanel)背包在逛。 

She is glued to her iPhone, juggling half a dozen WeChat messages with her clients. 


Ms Pei is a professional daigou: an overseas shopper who buys luxury items like watches, jewellery, clothes and cosmetics for mainland Chinese. 

Chunmei Pei是一名专职代购,专门帮中国内地人士在海外购买手表、珠宝、衣服和化妆品等奢侈品 


Today one of her buyers is considering an £860 Dior Diorosphère chain necklace with a gold finish, while another wants a £1,500 Céline bag. 


Most luxury stores do not allow photos or videos of the products for fear of counterfeiters, so Ms Pei is constantly updating her clients on the price, colour and product details with calls and live messaging. 

大多数奢侈品商店由于担心产品被仿造而不允许拍照或摄像,因此Chunmei Pei不停地通过电话和实时消息告诉客户关于价格、颜色和产品细节的最新信息。 

The chatting is endless and all part of the service. 


She spends at least 20 minutes at Céline while they search for a different colour of the bag and the buyer dithers. 


Once she gives the go-ahead for the purchase, Ms Pei arranges the sales-tax exemption, buys it on her card, packages it up and posts it. 

一旦买家同意购买,Chunmei Pei就去办理免税手续,刷她自己的卡买下商品,然后打包邮寄出去。 

She does this for a fee she will not disclose, although daigou commonly charge commission of 5 to 15 per cent. 


Consultancy Bain & Co estimates that daigou like Ms Pei accounted for Rmb34bn-Rmb50bn ($5.1bn-$7.5bn) of sales last year, equivalent to 12 per cent (at the upper end) of Chinese luxury spending. 

贝恩公司(Bain & Co)估计,Chunmei Pei这样的代购去年贡献了340亿元至500亿元人民币(合51亿美元至75亿美元)的销售额,(最多)相当于中国奢侈品支出的12%。 

But that is a fall from 20 per cent in 2014, and Bain predicts that this will drop further as profit margins are squeezed and the Chinese government tightens controls over imports, including by daigou. 


To stem this grey market and increase domestic spending, Beijing has raised import taxes on postal items and goods brought in by air passengers worth more than Rmb5,000 ($751); that includes a doubling of the tariff on luxury watches to 60 per cent. 


Customs inspections have been enhanced to target personal shoppers flying in with goods to sell on for a commission. 


On the incentive side, it is possible to access overseas websites in certain free-trade zones where taxes are low, such as Shanghai’s, and to purchase goods in local currency and expect speedy delivery. 


Prices of luxury goods in mainland China have tended to be higher than abroad, but this is now changing. 


In March 2015, Chanel responded to the euro’s weakness against the renminbi by cutting prices in Asia. 


This global pricing alignment spawned similar measures at Cartier, TAG Heuer and Patek Philippe. 

这种全球价格联动促使卡地亚(Cartier)、泰格豪雅(Tag Heuer)和百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)也采取了类似的措施。

But brand experts say prices in China are on average still about 40 per cent more expensive, thanks to import taxes and the local cost of business, and this is what fuels business abroad. 


The price difference is still too great. 

今年28岁的代购Doris Zhao表示:价格差距仍然非常大。 

Everyone I know sends items back home, says 28-year-old daigou Doris Zhao. 


At customs control sometimes they check, sometimes they don’t. 


Mainly it’s not too often. 


If I bought one Louis Vuitton handbag they won’t charge me the tax. 

如果我买了一只路易威登(Louis Vuitton)的手袋,他们不会收我的税。 

For Ms Zhao, who spends her working hours helping Chinese students arrange their visas and university applications, a trip to Harrods in her lunch break is mostly a favour for family, fulfilling orders for Vacheron Constantin watches and Louis Vuitton handbags for relatives who are seeking deals they can find online but not access in China. 

Doris Zhao的正职是帮助中国学生安排签证和大学申请,她午间休息时去一趟哈罗德百货大多是给亲戚帮个忙,帮他们以划算的价格购买江诗丹顿(Vacheron Constantin)手表和路易威登手袋,身在中国的他们可以在网上看到这些划算的价格,但买不到。 

Even with the added shipping cost and import taxes, the £85,000 Métiers d’Art Year of the Monkey timepiece she sent home to her aunt in China was £15,000 cheaper than one bought locally. 

即便加上运费和进口税,她寄给她在中国的婶婶的那只8.5万英镑的江诗丹顿Métiers d’Art猴年腕表仍比在中国本地购买便宜1.5万英镑。 

Typically, Ms Zhao buys four items a month to post to China, alongside trips home. 

Doris Zhao一般每月购买4件商品寄回中国,此外她还会定期回国。 

Her last purchase was a Burberry trenchcoat, snapped up in the summer sale for a friend in China. 


She clearly enjoys the luxury experience: not all education agents wear Valentino rockstud leather shoes and a black quilted Chanel bag. 


Yixi Cai, a 26-year-old university student from Shenzhen, says she spends about £1,000 a month on herself while out shopping for friends and family back home. 

来自深圳的26岁大学生Yixi Cai说,她会在为家人和朋友做代购时顺便为自己买些东西——每月花费大约1000英镑。 

Gucci is really popular this season, the sexy secretary look, she laughs, talking about the new line from creative director Alessandro Michele. 


The fashion fan enjoys labels like Alexander McQueen but says her friends mostly want items from older luxury brands like Chanel, Dior and Louis Vuitton. 

她说的是古驰创意总监亚历山德罗•米凯莱(Alessandro Michele)设计的新系列。这位时尚达人喜欢亚历山大麦昆(Alexander McQueen)等品牌,但她表示,她的朋友们多数喜欢一些更老的奢侈品牌,例如香奈儿、迪奥和路易威登。 

A common call from friends, Ms Cai says, is, Who’s in England? Can you get me something? 


Brands need to make sure their consumers buy the product for the right reasons: the heritage, the craftsmanship, the experience, everything you would expect from a luxury product, and not buying just the bargain, says Bruno Lannes, a partner at Bain based in Shanghai. 

品牌需要确保消费者购买自己的产品是出于对的理由:传承、做工、体验,所有你期待奢侈品带给你的东西,而不是买便宜,贝恩驻上海合伙人布鲁诺•拉纳(Bruno Lannes)表示, 

So the brands have to correct this point and stop offering bargains through price imbalance across geographies. 


It’s not good for their long-term health. 


For the brand owners, this has significant implications, as the relationship has shifted from business-to-consumer to business-to-business, says Rebecca Robins, a director at Interbrand and co-author of the book Meta-luxury, considering the daigou as a businessperson. 

Interbrand董事、《Meta-luxury》一书合著者丽贝卡•罗宾斯(Rebecca Robins)把代购视为商人,她表示:这对品牌所有者有重大影响,因为这种关系已从企业对消费者(B2C)转变为企业对企业(B2B)。 

This makes it harder for a brand to build a relationship with the end-consumer, and that’s a real concern for brands who are facing the realities of single-digit growth and a rising consumer who already has no interest in loyalty. 


One benefit the daigou can add to any price advantage is trust, according to Sage Brennan, co-founder of China Luxury Advisors. 

中国奢侈品咨询(China Luxury Advisors)的联合创始人塞奇•布伦南(Sage Brennan)表示,除了价格优势,信任也是能为代购增加生意的一个因素。 

People trust the internet and connections they make that are verifiable. 


Many times these daigou purchases have photos of actual receipts from Harrods, Mr Brennan says. 


Trust is a challenging aspect of Chinese life. 


So there are opportunities to say, ‘If I don’t trust a department store clerk [not to switch out] real watches for fake ones in store and things like this, the daigou steps in and becomes more popular.’ 


People will jump into those voids. 


It’s not going away. 
