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崔顺实丑闻加深 朴槿惠多名助手下台


Park Geun-hye, South Korea’s president, accepted the resignations of several top aides on Sunday. 

上周日,韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)接受了几位顶级助手的辞呈。 

she grappled with a deepening corruption scandal that threatened her grip on power. 


崔顺实丑闻加深 朴槿惠多名助手下台

The move came after thousands of protesters took to the streets of Seoul on Saturday demanding Ms Park’s resignation after it emerged last week that Choi Soon-sil, a long-time friend of the president, was given access to confidential government documents, including first drafts of policy speeches. 

此前,数千名抗议者于周六走上首尔街头,要求朴槿惠辞职,因为上周有消息称,朴槿惠的长期好友崔顺实(Choi Soon-sil)接触到了政府的机密文件,包括政策演讲初稿。 

She also allegedly used her links to the presidency for financial gain. 


The presidential aides have been accused in the local media and by opposition members of allegedly helping or at least tolerating Ms Choi’s alleged meddling in state affairs. 


Those who resigned included Woo Byung-woo, senior presidential secretary for civil affairs, 

辞职者包括青瓦台民政首席秘书禹炳宇(Woo Byung-woo)。 

who has for months resisted public pressure to step down amid a separate corruption scandal surrounding his family. 


Ms Park’s three senior secretaries, who allegedly helped Ms Choi interfere with state affairs, also stepped down.


The saga, which has reignited concerns over transparency, government mismanagement and the country’s longstanding problem with graft, has caused Ms Park’s approval ratings to plunge to record lows. 


More than 40 per cent of South Koreans surveyed by a poll last week said the country’s first female president should step down. 
