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修缮白金汉宫将花费3.69亿英镑 民众请愿让王室自掏腰包



More than 100,000 sign petition calling for The Queen to pay for 369million repairs of Buckingham Palace.

The petition was started after it was announced on Friday that the taxpayer would be funding a 369 million 10-year refurbishing project.

修缮白金汉宫将花费3.69亿英镑 民众请愿让王室自掏腰包

Critics immediately pointed out that public money was also crucially needed elsewhere, such as in schools and hospitals.

The 38 Degrees petition, started by Mark Johnson, said: "There is a national housing crisis, the NHS is in crisis, austerity is forcing cuts in many front line services. Now the Royals expect us to dig deeper to refurbish Buckingham Palace."
马克• 约翰逊在网站“38度”上发起了这次运动。他说:“目前,全国范围内都存在着住房危机,英国国民健康保险制度也遭遇困境,财政紧缩迫使许多一线公共服务被削减。现在王室为修缮白金汉宫企图让我们付出更多。”

Labours shadow business secretary Clive Lewis told ITVs Peston Show that there were lots of priorities out there and he wouldn't place Buckingham Palace as the highest.

He added: "I think the Queen could contribute quite a bit towards that - she's one of the wealthiest people in the country. Why not?"

Asked on the Marr Show if the Royals should pay, Labour's shadow chancellor John McDonnell said: "Well, I think that's for them to consider. I think we'd welcome it. "He went on: "It's a public monument, a heritage building - so we have to invest in it to preserve it."

"If the Queen and the royal family want to consider a contribution I certainly wouldn't send the cheque back."

"It does show though that when we need the money for buildings and maintenance we can afford it."

As well as receiving the annual Sovereign Grant from taxpayers, The Queen also pockets annual net profits from the Duchy of Lancasters Estate in her role as Sovereign, which next April will be 17.8 million.

She also has personal wealth which she is not required to disclose.

In 2014 the Public Accounts Committee criticised the Royal Household for mismanaging its finances and said it could to do more to generate more income and reduce its costs further.

One suggestion to fund improvements was to open the palace more to the paying public.

However, it has fallen into a state of disrepair and a report has found major works are now necessary.