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Despite popular belief, getting facials while you’re on your period is a very bad idea. “Many women make the mistake of thinking they should come in for a facial during their period, since it’s the time of the month they see the most breakouts,” comments Cerpa. “However, during that time, your skin is more sensitive and prone to flare ups.”

Instead, book a monthly facial 10 to 14 days before your period to help prevent acne from forming altogether. During the first two weeks of your cycle, estrogen is the most dominant hormone, whereas during the second half (around the day 14-day mark), the amount of progesterone exceeds the amount of estrogen. This rise in the progesterone triggers the production of sebum, the oil within your pores, while shrinking your pore size.

Laser hair removal

“Because your sebum production is in overdrive, if you do not clear the pores at this time of the month, each pore that is filled with oil and bacteria is more likely to become trapped causing breakouts and inflammation,” Cerpa explains.

Since your skin is most sensitive during menstruation, it’s best to schedule laser hair removal (or any laser treatment) the week after your period. However, the efficacy of the treatment doesn’t fluctuate from week to week. The most important factor is the stage of hair growth, which has to be in the anagen phase, when the pigment in the follicle is the darkest.


Whether you exfoliate your face twice per week or twice per month, avoid it altogether right before and during your period. “Because the skin is more sensitive, exfoliating during this time will also cause redness and irritation,” Cerpa explains.

There are however, two times during your cycle where sloughing off dead skin is imperative — the day after your period and then again on the 14-day mark. Incorporating these days into your beauty regimen will keep your skin bright and act as a preventative measure so that your pores don’t clog due to the rise in progesterone midway through your cycle. Try using a gentle granular exfoliant, like Bioré Pore Unclogging Scrub, in an upward, circular motion on damp skin after cleansing.
然而,周期内有必要去除两次死皮——一次是经期结束的第二天,再一次就是两周后。将这些日期归入到你的美容计划中,那么你的皮肤一定透亮有光泽,同时这也是一种预防措施,这样你的毛孔就不会因为周期中孕激素的上升而堵塞。试着使用比较温和的颗粒状去角质产品,比如碧柔牌毛孔去除产品(Bioré Pore Unclogging Scrub),清洁完皮肤后,在潮湿的肌肤上向上划圆去角质。