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调查显示 近9成人患有年末焦虑症


A large number of people feel anxious at the end of the year, with money worries being the biggest concern.

A survey by China Youth Daily found that 86% of 2,003 respondents feel anxious at the end of the year, with 62.9% saying economic pressure is the major source of their worries.

调查显示 近9成人患有年末焦虑症

Work pressure is another source of anxiety for 51% of respondents, putting it in second place, followed by interpersonal relationships at 32.3%, personal development at 31.8%, emotional well-being at 24% and academic pressure at 19.6%.

"Many uncertainties in the social environment cause people to feel unstable and lacking a sense of safety. Those uncertainties translate as anxiety in people's minds," Wu Guohong, associate professor of psychology at the School of Social Development and Public Policy of Fudan University, said.

People like to make plans at the beginning of each year, but by the end of the year some find that they have failed to complete their plans. The psychological gap can make people feel anxious, Wu added.

Facing pressure, 55.8 percent of participants said they overcome it by trying to relax their minds.

Reading books, cooking and participating in sports are effective combatants, according to 44.6 percent of participants, while 41.1 percent of participants said shopping with friends helps them relieve pressure.