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Your kids are better off

If you're wondering if you've damaged your kids for good by getting divorced, you may have nothing to worry about. While many children do experience negative effects at first, including anxiety, anger and shock, most kids bounce back. In the long-term, kids of divorced parents tend to do as well as kids of married parents. In fact, if you were in a high-discord marriage, children tend to experience divorce as a welcome relief. Another study by Jonathan Gruber, an MIT economist, also found that kids of parents who decided to stay together instead of divorce were worse off 40 years later when it came to their educational attainment, earnings and fate of their own marriages.


You're a better role model

Leaving an unhealthy environment, especially if abuse or cheating was involved, shows kids they should draw the line somewhere. It takes strength to model healthy self-care by not settling for a toxic relationship. You and your kids deserve healthy relationships.

You're in control

You make the decisions about your home, your kids and your finances without having to consult another person and with zero arguments. Do what you want, when you want and how you want. It feels good!

You have more time to find yourself

Married women can feel they've lost themselves in marriage. Take those now free weekends when the kids are with your ex to rediscover what you want.

A mom's identity doesn't have to be tied to a spouse or to her kids. It takes a lot of work and patience to grow, but why not use this huge life change as a catalyst to do what you want to do instead of just what you have to do?

You'll be healthier

The quality of marriage matters, and if your marriage was full of conflict and criticism, your health could suffer. Researchers found that difficult marriages can increase risk of heart disease (a literal broken heart!). Other health effects of a stressful marriage include cancer, arthritis, diabetes and depression. So here's to getting out of a bad situation and taking care of you!