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A bill introduced by Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers earlier this month calls on the US to "terminate" its membership in the United Nations and effectively sever all ties with the organization.

The bill, titled the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017, was proposed on January 3. It is cosponsored by a handful of Republican lawmakers, including North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones, Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, Missouri Rep. Jason Smith, Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie, Tennessee Rep. John Duncan Jr., and Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz.


Biggs said in a statement on Monday that he cosponsored the bill because he believes that "our sovereignty as a country is harmed by our membership in this body."

The bill proposes barring the US from committing funds or troops to UN peacekeeping operations worldwide and stipulates that the UN must vacate property owned by the US government. It would repeal the 1973 Environment Program Participation Act, strip UN employees of diplomatic immunity in the US, and repeal the US's membership and participation in the World Health Organization.

The bill's language is strong, and it's an extreme long shot to garner the necessary support to pass the House and move on to the Senate.

President Donald Trump has characterized the UN as "just a club for people to get together, talk, and have a good time" and promised that relations between the US and the UN "will be different" during his presidency.

Trump's criticism of the organization came after the UN Security Council passed a resolution in late December calling on Israel to halt building settlements on occupied Palestinian land. Trump, along with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, urged the US to vote against the resolution, which was sponsored by Egypt. But the US ultimately abstained, and the resolution passed.

Many Republican lawmakers have accused the UN of having an "anti-Israel" bias that aims to isolate and weaken the Jewish state. Arizona Sen. John McCain said the UN vote marked "another shameful chapter in the bizarre anti-Israel history of the United Nations." House Speaker Paul Ryan called the vote "absolutely shameful" and vowed that "our unified Republican government" would work to reverse the resolution.

Few, if any, mainstream Republican lawmakers have gone as far as to advocate a full withdrawal of the US from the UN.

But some have said they would support defunding the organization, which received $594 million - roughly 22% of its total budget - from the US in 2016.

Earlier this month, BuzzFeed reported that the House Freedom Caucus was drafting a bill, proposed by South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, to sever financial ties with the organization. Republican Sens. Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, and McCain said that they would support the initiative.

"I anticipate this vote will create a backlash in Congress against the United Nations," Graham said in a statement shortly after the Israel resolution passed. "The United Nations will regret this vote and I hope the Obama administration will realize the massive mistake they made on their way out of the door."

Nikki Haley, Trump's pick to replace Samantha Power as the US ambassador to the UN, said during her Senate confirmation hearing last week that the UN is a body that is "often at odds with American national interests," and called the US's decision to abstain from the Israel vote "a terrible mistake."

She said that while the US should reexamine its "disproportionate" financial contribution to the UN, she doesn't think there should be "a slash and burn" of the US's support for the organization.