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腾讯开发信用评分系统 叫板阿里巴巴


Tencent is developing a credit scoring system as it ramps up its battle with rival Alibaba for a share of China’s $5.5tn mobile payments market.

Ant Financial, Alibaba’s payments affiliate, launched its Sesame Credit two years ago, parlaying its data on consumers into a measure of their trustworthiness, providing comfort for small businesses and consumers alike.
两年前,阿里巴巴的支付业务关联公司蚂蚁金服(Ant Financial)上线了芝麻信用(Sesame Credit),利用其掌握的消费者数据来评估他们的信用,为小企业和消费者带来安慰。

Alipay, the mobile payment service of Ant Financial, has 520m users.

腾讯开发信用评分系统 叫板阿里巴巴

Tencent now aims to launch a similar service, which likewise accounts for users’ social and financial histories to assess their credit risk.

Credit scoring is popular in China, especially among younger subscribers who lack a credit history but might be eligible for a high rating that would let them rent hotel rooms, bikes or phone chargers without leaving a deposit. The services are particularly valuable given the lack of access to credit cards in the country.

Tencent is testing a credit scoring service among a small group of its subscribers, upping the stakes as the two tech titans engage in an aggressive promotion this week encouraging Chinese to forgo cash in favour of payments made with a swipe of the phone.

China is streets ahead of the rest of the world in mobile payments — its market is more than 50 times the size of the US — buoyed by a boom in online shopping and the dearth of alternatives such as credit cards. iResearch said China’s mobile payments hit $5.5tn last year, 50 times the size of the US’s $112bn market, based on Forrester Research figures.
中国在移动支付领域远远领先于世界其他地区——市场规模高于美国的50倍——其动力在于在线购物的繁荣和信用卡等替代选择缺乏。艾瑞咨询(iResearch)表示,去年中国移动支付市场规模达到5.5万亿美元,而根据福里斯特调查公司(Forrester Research)的数据,美国移动支付市场规模为1120亿美元,这意味着中国移动支付市场规模为美国的50倍。

The sector is dominated by the country’s two biggest tech groups. While Alibaba long commanded the lion’s share, it has recently been ceding ground to Tencent.

Tencent’s share rose to 39.5 per cent in the first quarter of the year, according to data from consultancy Analysys, while Alipay dipped to 53.7 per cent. That compared with respective 16 per cent and 71 per cent shares seen in the third quarter of 2015.

Matthew Brennan, co-founder of tech consultancy China Channel, said Tencent’s move into credit scoring demonstrated its desire to build on its payments business, which is largely restricted to small transactions in convenience stores and peer-to-peer lending.
科技咨询公司China Channel联合创始人马修?布伦南(Matthew Brennan)表示,腾讯进入信用评分领域表明,该公司希望加强其支付业务——目前主要局限在便利店小额交易和P2P借贷。

Tencent has been signing up scores of physical stores this year, including Starbucks. Almost all of the US group’s 2,600 China cafés accept Weixin Pay — the one on Alibaba’s campus in Hangzhou being a notable exception.
今年,腾讯一直在与包括星巴克(Starbucks)在内的大量实体店签约。这家美国集团的几乎所有2600家中国咖啡厅都已接受微信支付(Weixin Pay)——杭州阿里巴巴园区的星巴克成为一个引人注目的例外。

“Tencent obviously wants to change that, and they need to build up infrastructure to compete with Alipay’s more mature offering,” he said. “Credit scoring is an essential part of that.”

Both players have made big use of promotions, culminating in this week’s frenzy. Tuesday is the last day of Alipay’s “Golden Week”, when users will receive randomly allotted cash back, ranging from Rmb0.88 to Rmb4,888 ($0.13 to $728). Tencent begins its promotional day on Tuesday — August 8, which sounds like “wealth” in mandarin.

Tencent could not be reached for comment.