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Meghan Markle was in London last week with her mother, where the two reportedly toured the city and hung with her boyfriend, Prince Harry. She then flew back to Toronto to shoot Suits—but the separation from her prince was very temporary.
上周,梅格汉·马克尔(Meghan Markle)和母亲两人同游伦敦,还约会了男友哈里王子。梅格汉随即返回多伦多继续拍摄电视剧《金装律师》(Suits),但这对情侣的分别不算太久。

The two are together again, People (via The Sun) and Page Six report, on a special safari vacation in South Africa for Markle's 36th birthday.
梅格汉36岁生日时,《人物》杂志透过英国太阳报(The Sun)获悉二人在南非旅行度假庆生,《纽约邮报》八卦版"第六页"(Page Six)也报道了这一消息。


Africa is notably the place that Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton, in Kenya. And a proposal isn't out of the realm of possibility.
众所周知,威廉王子在非洲肯尼亚求婚凯特·米德尔顿 (Kate Middleton)。哈里王子在非洲向梅格汉求婚也并非绝无可能。

The source added. "Who knows what will happen when they're watching a sensational African sunset together? Maybe he'll get down on one knee. Harry regards Africa as his spiritual home and has often talked of how he can get away from it all there."

"Obviously he wants to show Meghan what an amazing place it is and create new memories together. Harry's done a lot of conservation work in Africa with endangered elephants and black rhinos, and he'll show them to the woman he wants to marry."

Markle and Prince Harry just celebrated their one-year dating anniversary—and it's been rumored for months an engagement could come by the end of the summer.梅格汉和哈里王子刚刚庆祝完两人的恋爱一周年纪念。这几个月一直有传言称两人将于夏末订婚。

For now, the source said that Prince Harry intends to "make this a holiday she'll never forget and perhaps she'll come back with a ring on her finger."
