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Prince William is keeping his poker face on when it comes to Prince Harry's royal romance with Meghan Markle.
威廉王子谈及哈里王子和梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle) 的绯闻时面无表情。

The couple of more than a year caused a sensation on Monday when they walked hand-in-hand during the Invictus Games. And William — being the good big brother he is — expertly side-stepped engagement whispers.
周一,哈里王子和梅根这对恋情超过一年的情侣带来了爆炸性新闻——两人手牵手共同现身 Invictus Games游戏会场。威廉这位好兄长老练地避开了哈里王子订婚的话题。

During a visit to Milton Keynes on Tuesday, William stopped by William Cowley Parchment Makers, which makes vellum for royal documents and for use in Parliament.
周二,威廉王子前往米尔顿凯恩斯(Milton Keynes),顺道拜访了羊皮纸工匠威廉·考利公司( William Cowley Parchment Makers),这家公司专为皇室和议会准备羊皮纸。

Paul Wright, the general manager of the company, told William: “If Prince Harry marries Meghan then his certificate will be in our vellum.” William simply responded with a diplomatic laugh.
公司总经理保罗·怀特(Paul Wright)跟威廉说:“哈里王子要是娶了梅根的话,他的结婚证要用我们的纸做哦。”威廉王子只是礼节性的笑了笑。

Speaking about William's amused response to his comment, Wright said: “He just laughed — a nice laugh.”

But William did share one royal family secret: Prince George is so over school already!

“It was really exciting meeting William,” Louise Smith, a mother of two, said. “He told me he'd just dropped Prince George off at school and he didn't want to go.
路易斯·史密斯(Louise Smith)是两个孩子的母亲,她说:“能见到威廉王子太让人激动了,他跟我说他刚送乔治王子去上学,小王子不想去。”

“Sounds a bit like mine, really.”

After George's first day on September 7, William hinted that the daily school drop-off might not always be so exciting, saying: “We are all seeing how long that lasts before he doesn't want to go.”