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What are some things that psychologists know, but most people don't?

获得1460好评的回答@ Anita Sanz:

You don't really know how happy or sad something is going to make you in the future, even though you think you do right now. Put another way, psychologists know that most people are very bad at being able to predict how they will respond to positive or negative events in the future.

Most happiness researchers (like Dr. Dan Gilbert) believe that there is a "happiness set point" for most people, and regardless of positive events (winning the lottery) or negative events (losing your home), a person will generally settle back to their own personal happiness set point, which may be higher than some or lower than some.

If the happiness set point explains why people can't predict what will make them happy or sad, other psychologists, like Dr. Martin Seligman, suggest that in order to be happier, you have to try to nudge your set point up a point or two.
即使幸福的设定点解释了为什么人们不能预测什么会使自己快乐或悲伤,其他心理学家,如Martin Seligman博士建议,为了变得更加快乐,你必须尽力让你的平均幸福水平提升一点。

I continually work with my clients (and remind myself, as well) that happiness is most likely to be found in this moment, not in any future one regardless of happy plans, goals, and dreams being pursued. And imagining future catastrophes turns this moment into an unhappy one, perhaps more negative than it would actually be if the catastrophe were to actually occur.
获得810好评的回答@ Ali Alkhatib:

Stereotype threat is a fascinating phenomenon in psychology which describes underperformance among minority groups based on self-perceived stereotypes.

What this means is that, if you're part of a minority which you know is typically not perceived to be adept in a certain field, you will do worse than otherwise identical peers who are unaffected by stereotype threat (people not in that minority group).

There have been some studies which have demonstrated tactics to overcome stereotype threat. The first step is education about stereotype threat itself. Make students aware that this is a psychological effect and that this nonsense about Black people being worse at Math or Asians being worse at writing is bogus.

But evidence suggests that this only has a temporary effect. To get long-term results, make the student internalize the content surrounding stereotype threat; make them reflect on the content and write about it.
获得441好评的回答@ Brian Newton:

EMDR - A therapy wherein people use a systemic process of alternate tapping or using a prompt to move the eyes back and forth while vividly recalling traumatic memories. It's theorized that the left/right alternating motion encourages the brain to more thoroughly integrate uNPRocessed memories.

Tourette Syndrome - Is not just yelling out swear words. It does however involve impulses which are very difficult for the person to suppress.

Bipolar disorder - Is not someone simply being moody. Full blown (Bipolar I) disorder requires the presence of a Manic episode, which is very intense and can be so extreme as to involve hallucinations.

ADHD - Is simply a description of a set of symptoms. It is split into Hyperactive Symptoms and Inattentive symptoms. There are MANY other reasons someone can have a hard time focusing, including things like anxiety and depression.

Anorexia Nervosa - Can exist in Men, and actually can take the form of excessive exercise or bodybuilding.

People naturally give preference to information which confirms their biases.