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Selena Gomez has been accused of lip-syncing in her return to the stage after undergoing a kidney transplant.
赛琳娜·戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)肾移植手术后首次重返舞台,却疑似假唱。

Wearing a white slip dress and sporting newly-blonde hair, the 25-year-old performed "Wolves" at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles.
身穿白色紧身裙,一头金发,25岁的赛琳娜在洛杉矶美国音乐奖(American Music Awards)演唱了《Wolves》。

But some viewers on social media were unimpressed with the set, which ended with Gomez shrugging and saying “thank you” to fans.

-therealSag wrote on Twitter: “They made a big deal of this being Selena Gomez's only TV performance of the year... and she's obviously lip syncing.”

alexcarpab wrote: “Selena Gomez not even trying to sell the fact she's lip syncing. Terrible and I love Selena.”

ivanandemilio23 tweeted: “Lip syncing aside, did anyone else see the shrug at the end? Like she didn't care about the performance or something.”

But others defended the singer, with one fan writing: “Lip-syncing or not, Selena Gomez is an inspirational legend and there's no denying her insanely talented voice. It's an award show people!!! let her perform and have fun!!!”

Earlier this year the singer revealed friend Francia Raisa had donated one of her kidneys to the star.
更早些时候,赛琳娜公开表示好友弗兰西娅·莱莎 (Francia Raisa)正是那个给她捐肾的人。