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Prince Harry has taken over from his grandfather the Duke of Edinburgh as Captain General of the Royal Marines, after the appointment was approved by the Queen.
哈里王子从祖父菲利普亲王手中接过英国皇家海军陆战队(Royal Marines)总司令一职,女王也已认可。

Harry accompanied Prince Philip in his final duty as Captain General today, as they hosted the incoming and outgoing Commandants General at Buckingham Palace.

The Duke's association with the Royal Marines dates back 64 years to 1953, when he was appointed Captain General in succession to the Queen's father, King George VI.

And he joined the Queen at the state opening of Parliament in 2014 in full ceremonial uniform as Captain General of the Royal Marines, to mark its 350th anniversary.

The Corps of the Royal Marines is at the heart of the Royal Navy's amphibious capability and is viewed as one of the world's elite commando forces.

In October 1664 the Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot became Britain's first 'sea soldiers', beginning a 353-year history to date.
1664年十月,约克公爵和奥尔巴尼海军步兵团”(Duke of York and Albany’s Maritime Regiment of Foot)是英国首支“海军”,至今已有353年历史。

Three centuries later in August 1923, the Royal Marines Artillery amalgamated with the Royal Marines Light Infantry to become the Royal Marines.
三个世纪后,1923年八月,皇家海军陆战队炮兵(Royal Marines Artillery)和皇家海军陆战队步兵团(Royal Marines Light)合并,成为皇家海军陆战队。

Royal Marines as commandos emerged during and after the Second World War – and today, the Marines number some 6,650 officers and men.