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CRI听力:China's achievements in past five years lauded by foreign journalists


Nearly 50 journalists from African and Arabic countries were given a chance to make their way through "Five Years On," an exhibition launched in Beijing this month to promote the achievements made in China since the last Party Congress.

Many on Monday's tour have suggested they're impressed by China's development over the past five years.

Robert Smith is a journalist working out of Bahrain.

He's here to cover the Party Congress for the first time. 

"I was in China ten years ago, and it seems it's been a lot of development since then, obviously in terms of the technological development and construction. It seems it's developing very fast."

Atenogenes Rodriguez is a reporter from Panama, a country which just recently established diplomatic ties with China.

"It's incredible. The development, technology and innovation are incredible. For the rest of the world, it is very important the great work that made in China."

Ravi Samaroo Akash works as a journalist in Trinidad and Tobago.

He suggests his Caribbean country can learn a lot from what's been taking place in China the past 5-years.

"Normally somebody would say the advancement of technology and when you think China, you think of things like this. But what really impressed me is more in political side of things. I was really impressed here about the initiatives that the government has to make sure that the lower classes keep up with the development and they aren't left behind."

He also says China has become a reliable friend to many small nations in his region of the world. 

"China is also helping Latin America and Caribbean a lot, even in my country. They built the children hospital. There are a lot of Chinese initiatives. They are willing to help the smaller nations and smaller economies."

In an effort to promote the major development strategies of innovation, coordination, greening, opening-up and inclusiveness, foreign journalists set to cover the Party Congress have been given an opportunity to tour several locations where these concepts are being put into practice.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is set to open at 9am on Wednesday.

For CRI, this is Huang Yue.