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CRI听力:Agenda revealed for 19th CPC National Congress: spokesperson


With the National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) set to open this Wednesday, its agenda has been set at a preparatory meeting for the event.

"The agenda for the national congress includes: to hear and examine a report submitted by the 18th CPC Central Committee; to examine a work report of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; to deliberate and adopt an amendment to the Party's Constitution; and to elect the Party's 19th Central Committee and its 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection," says National Congress spokesperson Tuo Zhen.

The amendment of the CPC constitution is going to include new governance concepts, thoughts and strategies proposed by the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as its core.

It will include key theories and strategic thoughts presented by a report to be delivered at the Congress.

Meantime, at a press conference in Beijing, Tuo Zhen has also taken time to address some of the issues likely to dominate discussions at the week-long Congress, including reform and opening up, as well as poverty alleviation.

He says the reforms that have already been implemented by the party have put them well on the way to helping eliminate poverty in China by 2020.

"For example, we have delegated the power for approvals to lower authorities, reduced taxes and fees through value added tax reforms. We have introduced policy steps that encourage and support innovation and entrepreneurship. We have reformed the household registration system and made medical services more affordable and accessible through healthcare reform. We have also rolled out plans to support rural teachers and introduced policy steps to raise their incomes. These reform measures have won the hearts and minds of the people, and delivered both immediate and long term benefits," says Tuo.

The 19th Party Congress is also due to lay out a new strategic plan for China's reform and development for the next 5 years, which are expected to be more advanced than simply pulling everyone above the poverty line.

When it comes to China's economic engagement with the rest of the world, Tuo Zhen says observers should not expect many changes.

"China's policy of utilizing foreign investment will not change, our protection of the lawful rights and interests of foreign-invested companies will not change and our commitment to providing better services for the investment and operation of companies from all countries will not change," says Tuo.

In detailing the agenda, the Party has confirmed there are 2354 delegates and specially invited delegates from across China who have been accredited to attend the Congress.

Liu Yunshan has been named as the Secretary-General of the sessions.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China opens this Wednesday at 9 a.m., and will run for 7 days, concluding on October 24th.