Hello, everybody. Thank you very much for inviting me here. It's very pleasant to have a chance to talk to you about something that is obviously very much on everybody's minds.I want to talk about an area of security or safety-bicycles.
I know a lot of you have bikes.First, when you get your bike, whether it's new or second-hand, bring it as soon as possible to us. There, we will be able to stamp it with a serial number. We actually stamp it into the metal.We'll register the number; put it on our list. This can frighten criminals away if they realize there is a number stamped on it. Second, make sure you buy a good lock. It can be expensive, but it's never a waste of money. If you have an expensive bike, it's worth buying two locks. Do spend money on a good lock, because the cheap ones can be very very easy to cut. Also, make sun you lock the bike to something permanent,though do be considerate to pedestrians. And if the worst happens-you lose your bike, you should police station, quoting the serial number that should have been stamped.
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