


M:Is that Anne Shaw?
W:Yes, speaking.
M:Hello, it's Eric from London.
W:Hello, Eric. How can I help you?
M:I'm fixing up our next project team meeting and I just wanted to check some possible dates with you.
W:Fine. Let me just get my diary. OK. Which dates are you looking at?
M:I've spoken to the others and they prefer either the third week of May or the second week of June.
W:Yes, both those weeks are pretty clear at the moment, except for the eleventh of June.
M:Right,I've got that.
W:So,where's the meeting taking place this time?
M:It was going to be in London,but I spoke to Carlos in Mexico City and he suggested Chicago. He thinks it'll be more convenient for most of the team.
W:He's probably right.It would certainly be much easier for me as well, because I can fly from Toronto. And I'm sure you could find a meeting room somewhere near the airport.
M:That's a good idea.I'll check out some hotels in that area and get back to you towards the end of the week.
W:Fine,but I'm not in the office on Friday.
M:OK, I'll call you later in the afternoon on Thursday.
W:No problem. Bye!