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华尔街高级英语学习教程第12课:复习巩固Act2 (MP3和文本下载)


LILIANE: Now my dear, you've just got to tell me! Is it true that David's father was a member of an international criminal gang, and that he was murdered by his boss?

JUANITA: Certainly not! I wouldn't have married David if he'd been the son of a criminal. How can you say such a thing?

LILIANE: Sorry my dear, I'm only repeating what I've heard.

DAVID: It’s alright, I'll get it!

JUANITA: No you won't; I will!


ANNIE: Hello, Juanita. Annie here.

JUANITA: Annie? What is it? Is something wrong?

ANNIE: No Juanita, everything's fine. How about you?


ANNIE: Good. Well, can I have a word with David?

JUANITA: What about?

ANNIE: It's nothing important. Could I just speak to him, please?

JUANITA: Very well. David! It's Annie, for you.

DAVID: What? Just coming!

DAVID: Hello, Annie. Where are you calling from?

ANNIE: I'm at home. Look, David, I've got to talk to you urgently.

DAVID: Yeah, sure, of course. But, you know, I don't want any trouble with the police, or anything. What if we met in the park?

ANNIE: Haven't you noticed, David, it's snowing! I'd rather we met at your place. Can I come over in about an hour?

DAVID: OK. It's 188b Mount Street, and it's in the basement. When you get to No. 188b, go down the steps outside...

ANNIE: It's alright, David. I do remember how to get to your apartment…

DAVID: Hello, Annie. Come in.

ANNIE: Thanks.

ANNIE: Hello, Juanita.

JUANITA: Hello. Liliane, this is my sister-in-law, Annie.

LILIANE: How lovely to meet you! So, I hear you're a wildly radical Green.

ANNIE: I guess you could say that, yeah.

LILIANE: How exciting! Do you go around blowing up nuclear power stations?

ANNIE: No. I don't. I edit a magazine and I go around organizing meetings, as a matter of fact.

LILIANE: How boring! It sounds just like my father's business.

ANNIE: Listen David, can we have a word - in private?

LILIANE: How mysterious! How embarrassing!

DAVID: Alright. Why don't you come and say hello to the baby, Annie?

DAVID: Look Annie, if it isn't all that important perhaps we'd better, like, leave it for now, OK? This isn’t a great moment - you know how it is.

ANNIE: I wouldn't have come here if it hadn't been important, would I?

DAVID: Hello, Sigismonda darling. Say hello to your aunt Annie.

ANNIE: I'd rather you didn't call me aunt.

DAVID: What would you rather be called, then - uncle?

ANNIE: Just call me Annie, that's all.

ANNIE: Hello, Sigismonda, nice to see you! Look David, this is hopeless. We'll have to go to a coffee shop or something.

DAVID: Well, I mean, you know...

ANNIE: Please!