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This is AP News Minute.

Congressional investigators are rebuffing former national security advisor Michael Flynn's offer of cooperation in exchange for immunity from prosecution. They say it's too early in their probe of Russian connections to discuss a deal. White House Spokesman Sean Spicer said the president wants Flynn to testify in front of the committees.

In Atlanta, the head of the Georgia Department of Transportation says it will be months before a stretch of Interstate 85 that collapsed during a fire Thursday will be rebuilt.

A week before President Donald Trump plans to host Chinese president, he's signing a pair of executive orders aimed at cracking down on trade abuses. The US has its highest
trade deficit with China at 347 billion dollars last year.

And dandelion yellow has a reason to be blue. Crayola announced that it's replacing the color dandelion in its 24-pack with a crayon in the blue family.

Suzanne Yee Gaffney, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.