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AP News:特朗普女婿向情报委员会作证


This is AP News Minute. 

President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner speaks to the staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee behind closed doors Monday. Investigators looking into Russia's election interference are interested in his December meeting with a leading Russian diplomat. 

The truck driver is still in court in San Antonio, Texas Monday after his vehicle was found packed with apparently smuggled immigrants. At least nine people found in the sweltering truck have died, nearly 20 were rescued, mostly with extreme dehydration and heat stroke. 

A suicide car bomb in Kabul has killed at least two dozen people and wounded many more Afghanistan. The blast targeted a bus full of Afghan government police, and Taliban claimed responsibility. 

And a 14-year-old giant panda gave birth to her third cub Sunday. The new female panda cub was born in a nature reserve in China.

Matt Small, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.