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AP News:超级蓝血月全食出现


This is AP News Minute.

President Trump is challenging Congress to fix the nation's immigration system. In his State of the Union Address, Trump also called for optimism amid the growing economy, and gave himself credit for it.

Congressman Joe Kennedy of Massachusetts delivered the Democratic response. He said the Trump administration is trying to get rid of laws literally meant to protect people and turn groups of Americans against each other.

More than half of Oklahoma is under a burn ban because of the threat of wildfires. One wildfire engulfed a large structure and a number of vehicles north of Oklahoma city Tuesday.

And parts of the world are getting to see a blue moon, a super moon, and a total lunar eclipse all at once. The best views are in the western US early Wednesday and over the Pacific Ocean and Asia Wednesday night into Thursday.

Matt Small, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.